104 Assembly Proceedings, April 1-26, 1684.
p. 46
cerning pceedings at Law Ought to be raced out of the sayd
bill, And the Act for Killing of woolves is a perpetuall Law,
soe made Anno 1676: And Cannot properly be brought into
A Bill of Reviver Butt if both houses shall Deem the sd Act
vnnecessary or of noe vse the same ought to be repealed.
This to bee Considered and Accordingly provided for by the
Lower house in the Reviveing Act before this house can think
of passing the same soe absolutely Contrary to the result of
his Lordsp vpon sound Reasones given to this house and
Communicated to the Lower house in a message from hence
The Lower house is desired to have their Assent to the
Bill for Naturalizacon [of Ja]cob Seth (Imperfectly sent vp to
this house) now plainly Expressed & [returne]d to this house:
Signd p Ordr John LLewellin Cl of Assembly
Ordered That The Assent of this house To the bill for
Naturalizeing Jacob Seth be made [pl]aynely Expressed wch
was done,
ffurther debate vpon the Act for killing of woolves, referred
till tomorrow.
Mr Secry Darnall from the vpper house brings the following
message (vizt)
Upper house Aprill 24th 1684
A message
a day of
Session and
His Lopp haveing referred the day of Session
(appoynted to be this day) vntill Satterday next,
This house have determined to heare the Errors here
depending Argued before Them some time to mor-
row, If the Lower house Can Conveniently spare
their members therein Concerned as Attorneyes On Either side
to which this house desire an Answere.
Signd p Ordr John LLewellin Cl of Assembly
Answer there-
In Answere to the Last message from the vpper
house by Mr Secry Darnall Concerning a day of
sessions and the Argueing error Mr Carvile and Mr Burford
were sent to the vpper house to Acquaint them that this
house, hath much business before them And vnderstanding
that the Clerke of this house is Concerned as An Attourney
in some of the Cases To be Tryed, doe signify that if this
house can spare their Clerke from the vrgent business of this
house Towards The Afternoon Tomorrow The vpper house
shall receive further [notice] thereof ffrom this house.
The house Adjourne till Tomorrow morning 7 a Clock