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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 103   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, April 1-26, 1684. 103

Inconvenience of the Inhabitants of the sayd River, Therefore
desire the same may be mended
He alsoe bringeth the sayd Supplementary Assented too In
these [words] (vizt)

Aprill the 24th 1684:
The vppr house have Assented:
Signd p Ordr John LLewellin Cl of Assembly

Coll Stevens alsoe brought a message at the same time
which being read ffoll (vizt)


A message
for the bills
of Naturaliza-

Upper house Aprill 24th 1684:
The Additionall and supplementary Act, to the
Act for Trade hath passed this house, and is now
sent Back to the Lower house who are desired to

returne to this house, The severall Bills before them for Natu-
ralizaccons wth their Assent Thereto:

Signd p Ordr John LLewellin Cl of Assembly

Then was Mr Burford Mr Carvile and Mr Rouseby sent to
the Vpper house wth the Three bills for Naturalizaccons and
the message, about a fee to the Speaker.

They returne and say they have delivered the same.

The Committee
of Accts report
their proceed-

Then Came the members of this house from
the Committee of Accots & Report to this house
the Allowances by them made, wch being Rattifyed
by this house, The sayd members are Ordered to

prepare a bill for payment of the Publique Charges, soe farr as
they have proceeded in Allowances.

Mr Clement
Hill prayes
for a horse
lost by him.

Mr Clement Hill a member of this house, desires
to bee Allowed, for a horse by him lost from St
Maryes Two yeares agoe, when he was in service of
his County as a delegate thereof.

Vote therevppon.

Voted That Mr Hill ought to be payd for the

said horse, And by St Maryes County for wch he was & is a

Then Came Coll Darnall from the vpper house and brings
wth him the Act of Reviver of the Temporary Lawes, and the
following message (vizt)

the bill of
reviver of
the Temporary

Vpper house Aprill the 24th 1684
Vppon reading the bill for reviveing the Tem-
porary Lawes of This province this house doe say,
that the words (Soe farr as the Court shall Judge
them not inconsistent wth the Condiccon of this

province wch is not to stand revived) relateing to the Act Con-


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 103   View pdf image (33K)
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