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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 102   View pdf image (33K)
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102 Assembly Proceedings, April 1-26, 1684.


They reti

Natural izac-
con bills
Read and past.

jrne and say they have delivered the same.
The bill for Naturalizeing Jacob Seth: read the
3d time by speciall ordr of the house and past in
these words (Vizt)

Aprill the 24th 1684
The Lowr house have Assented.

Signd p Ordr C Boteler Cl of the Lowr house &c

The bill for Naturalizeing Nicholas Verbraach: read the 3d
time by Speciall Ordr and past this house in the same words
as the former.

The Bill for Naturalizeing, Peter Bayard, and Others. Read
the Third time by speciall Ordr of the house, And past in the
same words as the former;

Then was drawne the following message (vizt)

Lower house of Assembly Aprill the 24th 1684

a fee to Mr
vpon private
Acts and an

to the Clerkes

Vpon reading the severall Bills of Naturaliza-
tion of the severall persones therein named, This
house hath Considered, that there hath been
vsually payd To the Speaker of the house of
Commons in England a Considerable fee vpon
The passing any private Act, This house haveing

seriously debated the same, Resolved

That all persons that shall be naturalized, This present ses-
sions of assembly, Doe respectively pay vnto the speaker of
this house The sum of Twelve hundred pounds of Tobacco
for the fees of their Naturalizaccon, And that the like fee be
pd to the Speaker of the Lower house for the future, And
That the Clerkes fee of the Lower house be Three hundred
pounds of Tobacco for Every Naturalizaccon & noe more And
this house desires the Concurrence of the vppr house herein.
Signd p Ordr C Boteler Ck of the Lower house &c

p. 45

Coll Stevens
prayes an
of the Supple-

Then Came Coll Stevens from the vpper house
and sayes he has Order to Informe this house,
That there was Notice given of a mistake in the
Act for Advancement of Trade, Concerning a
port towne or place of Trade in Wighcocomoco

River in summesett County, which place in the sayd Act is
mentioned to be vpon the land next above the land of the
Orphanes of Charles Ballard whereas the same should have
been mentioned to be vpon a parcell of land Called Lotts
wife or the land wch was formerly William Writes, wch mis-
take is not Amended in the Supplementary Act, to the great


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 102   View pdf image (33K)
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