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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
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Assembly Proceedings, April 1-26, 1684. 101

Thursday Aprill the 24th 1684

The house mett and Called, all prsent as yesterday
Then was read what was done yesterday.
Then was Debated the bill Impowering the Burgesses to
press men boates &c: And rejected.


ing bills read.

A bill for Naturalizeing Jacob Seth read the
second time.

A bill for Naturalizeing Nicholas Verbraach, Read the
second time & Referred to a full house.

A Bill for Naturalizeing Peter Bayard & Others read the
second time.

The Sup-
Act past this

The Committee for drawing vp the Supplement-
ary Act To the Act for Trade present the sayd bill
ffairly Ingrossed: which being read the Third time
past The house in These- words: (vizt)

Aprill the 24th 1684
The lower house have Assented

Signd p Ordr C Boteler Cl of the lowr house &c

Mr Hutchinga and Major Weekes sent to the vppr house
wth the sayd Bill.

the Bill of

Then was read A Bill Entitled An Act for revive-
ing the Temporary lawes of This province The first

p. 44

Putt to the question whether the members of This house in
the severall Committees shall be sent for to debate the sayd

Voted in the Affirmative

The Committees sent for by a messenger, and Come Into
the house.

Then was read the Act for reviveing the Temporary lawes
the second time by Speciall Order of the house: And the
Question being putt whether the Act for killing of woolves
shall stand in the bill of reviver [of the] Temporary Lawes as
it is now drawne Yea or Nay:

Voted In the Affirmative.

Wherevpon the sayd Bill for reviveing the Temporary
Lawes was read the Third time by speciall order of the house
and past this house in These words (Vizt)

Aprill the 24th 1684
The Lower house have assented :

Signd p Ordr C Boteler Cl &c

The sayd bill then sent to the vppr house by Capt Smith &
Mr Hatton.


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 101   View pdf image (33K)
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