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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
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10 Assembly Proceedings, April 1-26, 1684.

U. H. J.

manner as may best Conduce to the good welfare and secu-
rity thereof Yor Lopp vouchsafeing two Assure yor Two
houses That to Joine with them therein or in any thing that
they could reasonably expect at yor Lopps hands was the
Cause of yor Lopps appointing this meeting, and for the
effecting whereof nothing should be wanting on yor Lopps

And seeing that Since the last meeting of Assembly yor
Lopp (in order to the better selling the Lawes of this Prov-
ince hath caused the Lawes of this Province to be fairly tran-
scribed and hath made Three Coppys thereof offering the
same to the Consideracon of yor Lopps two houses for their
view, puseall, approbacon and emendmt thereof and assent to
the same, That soe after due Examinacon of them they might
with the advice and Consent of yor Lopps Two houses receive
their full vigour and force by yor Lopps assent and Confirm-
acon Now may it further please yor Lopp:
Yor Lopps Two houses of Assembly in the first place hereby
returneing yor Lopp: their most humble and harty thanks, for
yor Lopps greate kindness, love and affection to and studious
care for the good and welfare of the good people of this yor
Lopps Province, Doe in the next place humbly assure yor
Lopp that in Obedience to yor Lopps Comands they have care-
fully and diligently revised and Examined the said Three
Transcripts of the lawes aforesaid and compared them with
the antient booke of lawes and such Originalls as Came to
their view. In the peruseing and examineing whereof they
have found some Lawes omitted and have mett with some
other Errors and mistakes and make observations for some
necessary amendments to be made as well in the antient
booke of lawes as in the Coppys or Transcripts and have
reduced the Titles of all the perpetuall Lawes by yor Lopps

p. 10

Two Houses of Assembly desired to be Confirmed unto a
Schedule hereunto annexed, with such necessary amendmts to
the same to be anew drawne over as to yor Lopp shall seeme
meet, and the prsent juncture of time will permitt the Lawes
omitted being also added to be fairly ingrossed in a Booke for
that purpose to all which perpetuall Lawes added and amended
as aforesaid. Yor Lopps Two houses of Assembly doe humbly
beseech yor Lordpp wilbe graciously pleased to give yor Lopps
assent unto and approbacon and Confirmacon thereof and
cause the same to be fairely ingrosed in a booke for that pur-
pose And that all other the perpetuall Lawes and Acts of
Assembly heretofore made and published in this Province of
what kind or quallity soever (other then what are in the
Schedule hereunto annexed menconed and amended as afore-

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 10   View pdf image (33K)
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