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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 11   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, April 1-26, 1684. H

said, and by the Consent of yor Lopp and both houses thought
fitt to be entred in the new booke as aforesaid) may stand and
be for Ever absolutely Repealed.
Yor Lopps gracious condiscencon hereunto and Confirm-
acon hereof as aforesaid before yor departure is (with all due
Obedience and submission to yor Lopp good will and pleasure
therein) most humbly offered to yor Lopps Consideracon by
yor Lopps two houses of Assembly as the Cheifest meanes to
prserve and Continue the peace Unity and welfare of this yor
Lopps Province and the Inhabitants thereof in their just and
due Obedience, In whose harts you will Rule to Comand
upon all iust Occasions what shalbe requisite and necessary
for the defence and support of the dignity of this yor Lopps:
Signed p Order Anth: Underwood
Clk Comittee.

The Report of the Comittee for the draweing of the sd
Address to his Lopp relateing to the Lawes of this Province
is as follow vizt

U. H. J.

Munday Aprill 14th 1684
Att a Comittee of both houses appointed for the draweing
up an humble Address to the Right honble the Lord Propry
relateing to the Lawes of this Province

p. 11.

Prsent of the
The Honble

Upper house
Coll William Stevens
John Darnall Esqr

Prsent of the Lower house
Mr Robert Carvile
Mr Tho: Burford
Mr John Rousby

Resolved by this Comittee that it is very Expedient the Act
provideing against Sudden accidents in the Governmt be

Resolved also that the Act touching Judicature made Anno
1646: be also amended in regard of a Clause therein vizt (in
defect of law then &c) is Condemned by another Act Con-
cerning proceedings at law, which sayes leaving to much to
discrecon is to open a Gapp to Corrupcon.

Resolved that the Act touching pagans, being found to be
incerted in other Lawes ought to be repealed.

Resolved that the Act for punishing Certaine Offences
against the peace &c should be amended.

Resolved that the Act prohibiting the transportacon and
sale of his Lopps Ordinance be inspected into, in order to

Resolved that the Act touching hoggs and markeing Cattle,


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 11   View pdf image (33K)
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