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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
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Assembly Proceedings, April 1-26, 1684. 9

Coll Henry Darnall, Coll William Stevens and Mr John
Darnall Sent out to their Committees.

Upper house Aprill 15th 1684:
This house haveing already ioined withe the Lower house in
Two Committees have not members enough now left to sett
forth any more, but soe soone as there shall be any greater
appearance in this house, this house will then appoint some

U. H. J.


one or more of their members to joine in Committee with
some of the Lower house to State the publick Accounts as is
desired by the Message of the Lower house Yesterday :
Signed p Order John LLewellin Cl Assembly

Sent by Major Sewall to the Lower house.
The Committees appointed for drawing an address to his
LOpp haveing concluded their Report is brought into this
house p Coll William Stevens, and Mr John Darnall two of
the members of this house upon the said Comittee which was
read, and the address to his Lopp also being as follow:

To the Right Honble Charles absolute Lord and Propry of
the Provinces of Maryland and Avalon Lord Baron of Balte-
mor &c :
The humble peticon and address of yor Lopps Two houses
of Assembly.

May it please yor Lopp:
Wee yor Lopps most humble servants the members of the
Upper and lower houaca of Assembly this prsent Generall
Assembly conveened with all imaginable Gratitude acknowl-
edging the happines peace and tranquility this yor Lopps
Province hath (through the blessing of God, and yor LOpp:
and honoured ffather of noble memory deceased care vigilancy
and August Governmt) hitherto injoyed, and the many Signall
favours benefitts and imunitys wee have in generall received
from yor Lopps bounty and Clemency. And withall taking it
into their Serious Consideracons yor Lopps gracious Speech
made to us yor Two houses at the opening of this prsent meet-
ing of Adjournment wherein (amongst other things therein
Contained) yor Lopp: was pleased to Communicate to yor two
houses that the greate Exigency of yor Lopps Affaires,
required yor Lopps Speedy Voyage for England and that not-
wthstanding yor Lopps many other urgent concernes as well
private as publick and that yor Lopp was much straitned in
time for the Accomplishment thereof Yett yor Lopp was gra-

p. 8

ciously pleased to condiscend to impart a greate share thereof
to Us Yor two houses in order to the Selling and establishing
the perpetuall and Temporary lawes of this Province in such

p. 9

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 9   View pdf image (33K)
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