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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, July 7:December 31, 1776
Volume 12, Page 66   View pdf image (33K)
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66 Journal and Correspondence

a six pounder in her head and another in her stern, they
rowed along side our centinals and not a man to be seen and
instantly began a very heavy firing which lasted about one
hour but without doing any execution, altho' their shot
reached the ground on every spot where the men were
stationed. In the evening she returned again and engaged us
again for upwards of two hours, and at the same time the troops
landed from the Ships in St. George's Island to the amount of
about 300 pushed down to the point opposite to us with swivels
and musquetry, and kept up a heavy fire, from which Capt Beall
was dangerously wounded in the shoulder with a ball (as he
says from a riffle) which has rendered him incapable of duty.

I shall endeavour to keep the post we are at at present if
possible if not shall retreat to the woods about half a mile.

From a report we had given us yesterday they are con-
structing another vessel like the above and that they intend
attacking us on the Potowmac side. I think from all appear-
ances the Fleet will continue some time, if so, some Cannon
and Swivels will be absolutely necessary to dislodge the men
they have landed on the Island.

With what assistance we can give in this quarter, I think
500 of the Militia of the upper Battalions will be full enough
to oppose the enemy. We have now at different posts about
600 men.

For further particulars refer you to Mr Hopewell by whom
this goes express, he also will inform you the difficulties we
labour under in getting provisions for the men without money

to pay for it immediately. [ ]300 I think would be sufficient.

Col Barnes with his Battalion is on the other side of the
river, watching the motions of the enemy there.

I am Gentlemen
Your most obedt Servt
Jeremiah Jordan


[Somerville to Council.]

Gentlemen. You will be informed by Mr Hopewell that the
Enemy hath landed on St. George's Island, that Captain Beall
is wounded — That they want men in St. Mary's. I shall
proceed down to their assistance with about fifty of the best
men I can get that are now stationed at Drum Point and
shall leave orders for as many more to follow, unless ordered
otherwise by you, and shall leave a Guard at Drum Point.
I shall want cash to victual the men that goes to St. Mary's.
Please send me such sum by Bearer as you may think suffi-
cient which shall be accounted for.


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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, July 7:December 31, 1776
Volume 12, Page 66   View pdf image (33K)
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