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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, July 7:December 31, 1776
Volume 12, Page 67   View pdf image (33K)
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of the Council of Safety, 1776. 67

You will also send orders. Major Wilkinson commands
in Calvert until Colo Marshall's return.
July 17th 1776. Gent. Your mo: obedt Servts
Alex. Somerville.

[Hooe to Council.]

Chingateague July 17th 1776.
On my way to this place I heard two of our Flour Vessels
at Annimessick. I called to know their situation and found
there was no chance of escaping the enemy if they attempted
to get into Pocomoke.
Under these circumstances there appeared no better
method of getting the Flour here than by carting it from
Annimessick to Pocomoke, bringing it in a Craft some
distance up the River, landing it again and carting it over the
Inlet. For this purpose I directly engaged Carts on both
sides of the river, and a Craft in Pocomoke, but to this
moment I have rec'd no more than 78 barrels. The Battn I
am told will be here on Monday, but from what I have experi-
enced I did not expect it so soon. Mr Crockett informs me
3 Vessels more had come off with Flour. I have enquired but
can get no tidings of them. However I still hope they are
safe in some Harbor, but shall not count upon them for part
of this Cargoe. When I shall be able to dispatch the Brigan-
tine I cannot say, this being the most uncertain and difficult
Place to do Business in that ever I experienced.
There is no Corn but such as lyes much scatter'd, at great
distances, in small quantitys and at extravagant prices. Tobo
I find very scarce and lying in much the same manner; indeed
any that 1 have yet seen is ordinary, and they ask 20 &. 257
Virginia money for it. But this Article must be our depend-
ance and I shall as expeditiously as possible ship as much of
the best, I can find as will, with the Flour, put the Brig in a
light load and send her off. As to the schooner John, I
decline loading her for acct of the Province and as soon as I
can have the pleasure of waiting on the Council of Safety, I
will give them satisfactory reasons why it ought not to be
done. The musketts, powder, Sulphur & swivels still lay in
a very dangerous situation, in an old shattered house. I
therefore thought it prudent to send an express to the Wor-
cester Committee to hire Carts to get it away and they
accordingly have got all the Articles to Snow Hill, except a
few Barrels of Sulphur that removed tomorrow.
I have the Honor to be,
With the greatest respect, Your Honours
Most hble Servant
R. Hooe


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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, July 7:December 31, 1776
Volume 12, Page 67   View pdf image (33K)
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