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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, July 7:December 31, 1776
Volume 12, Page 65   View pdf image (33K)
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of the Council of Safety, 1776. 65

applied to arm the Battalion and Independent Companies that
are to stay in the Province to supply the place of those who
are gone to New York. As to Tents we will write you more
fully hereafter, when we know certainly what Canvas we have
at Chingotigue. Were we to make the ample provision you
wish for two Companies in the Eastern Shore Battalion and
leave the others bare of every thing, we should justly subject
ourselves to the Charge of Partiality; you may depend we
will do as much for those two Companies as we possibly can,
at least equal to others in same Battalion.
17 July 1776

C. S. C.

[Council to Barnes and Elliott.]

To Captains Barnes and Elliott
Gentlemen. We received your favour of the 16th Instant
about an Hour ago, and are sorry to find the People of Kent
Island so very uneasy from an opinion Dunmore will attack
them. We do not apprehend unless he should receive a con-
siderable reinforcement that he will attempt any thing of that
sort, as from the best information we have of them his party
is unequal to such a measure; however hearing of the appre-
hension which prevailed among you and that you were not
sufficiently provided with ammunition by the Committee of
Observation for Queen Anns who we expected would supply
you and being desirous of guarding against every possibility
of danger, we had ordered before the receipt of your Letter
a Barrel of Powder and four hundred pounds of Lead to be
lodged with Messrs Thomas Ringgold, Aquila Brown and
Docr Ringgold for the use of the Island and that Captain
Deans Company of the Flying Camp Militia should, as soon
as they could be armed, march down for your Protection.
We have wrote the Committee to provide Barracks for the
Company, but as your recommendation of such as would
answer the purpose, would probably expedite the Business we
think you had better make the proper enquiry and write us.
17 July 1776

No. 51.

[Jordan to Council.]

St. Mary's County St. George's River July 17th 1776
I arrived down here on the 15th Inst with about one
hundred of the Militia, where I found Capt Beall with
part of his Company and one Company of Colo. Barne's Bat-
talion. About daybreak yesterday we were visited by a Row
Galley or Row Gondola carrying 5 Swivels on each side and


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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, July 7:December 31, 1776
Volume 12, Page 65   View pdf image (33K)
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