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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, July 7:December 31, 1776
Volume 12, Page 64   View pdf image (33K)
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64 Journal and Correspondence

C. S. C.

give must depend in a great measure on the Numbers, Situa-
tion and movements of the Enemy, we request you will com-
municate to us by the return of the Express all the information
you can collect relative to these and be very particular therein.
We have countermanded the orders, given Captains Thomas
and Hindman to march to Philadelphia and expect them here
to Day or Tomorrow, upon receiving intelligence from you,
we shall be able to form an opinion whether it will be neces-
sary they should be ordered to your assistance. Powder, Lead
and Flints are sent off this Morning to Leonard Town and we
hope will arrive there to morrow Night or on Friday morning.
We approve of the Committee's detaining Captain Forrest's
Company, and think it would be best if the Militia will part
with their Guns that that Company should be armed with
them and immediately be subject to your orders.
17 July 1776

No. 49.

[Council to Kent Committee.]

to Messrs Thomas Ringgold, Aqa Brown, and Docr Ringgold
We have sent a Barrel of Gun Powder and four hundred
Pounds of Lead addressed to you for the use of Kent Island
and doubt not your care of it. We think ourselves obliged
however to tell you we have seen the ill effect of distributing
ammunition among the Militia and to desire you will lodge
such a proportion of it with the Captain of the Companies
only as you may think proper, and they upon Emergencies
will deliver it out to their men. [Ordered that Major Price
ietach a guard to Kent Island with the said Powder and
17 July 1776

No. 50.

[Council to T. Smyth.]

To Thomas Smyth Esqr
Dr Sir. We send you by the bearer four hundred pounds
currency for paying off the Waggons and to answer other
contingent expences.
We are sorry we cannot comply with other requests you
have made us relative to the two companies raised in Kent,
our Province is actually Invaded by Lord Dunmore with his
vhole Fleet who are now come into Potowmack and are
Landing at St Georges Island, our own Battalion and Inde-
pendent Companies are marched off to the eastward by order
of Convention. In this distressed situation every Gun we can
muster from Mr Winters and all other parts must first be first

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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, July 7:December 31, 1776
Volume 12, Page 64   View pdf image (33K)
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