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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, July 7:December 31, 1776
Volume 12, Page 63   View pdf image (33K)
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of the Council of Safety, 1776. 63

That Major Price detach a Guard to Kent Island with the
said Powder.
Christopher Rabreck of Baltimore Town agrees with the
Council to supply the province with 1000 priming Wires and
Brushes a 7/6 pr dozen, to be delivered in two weeks from
this Day.
Ordered That the Committee of Observation for Queen
Ann's County be requested to deliver all the public Arms in
their Possession to Capt. Deans.
Ordered That the Treasurer of the Western Shore pay to
Thomas Smyth Esqr four hundred Pounds to defray the
Expences of the Carriage of Warlike Stores from Chinko-
tegue to Chester Town.
That the said Treasurer pay Samuel Morris four pounds
six Shillings and four Pence.
That the said Treasurer pay to Samuel Messersmith seven
Pounds one Shilling and nine Pence for mending Musquets.
Copy of Letter No 50 was sent to Thomas Smyth Esqr and
Copy of No 51 to Captains Barnes and Elliott, Kent Island.
Ordered That Captain Henry Hall be paid by the Treasurer
of the Western Shore thirty five Pounds fourteen Shillings
and eight Pence to discharge the Pay of his Company of
Adjourned till next Day 10 O' Clock.

C. S. J.

[Council to Crawford.]


No. 47.

To Captain David Crawford.
Sir. This is to advise you that we are ordering some
Ammunition to Saint Mary's County; you are therefore
desired to prepare a Waggon with all expedition to be ready
to receive it as soon as the Cart sent from hence may arrive
with you, which we think will be this Evening or to morrow
morning, and to forward it under a Guard of Eight Men and
an Officer to Leonard Town in said County. We trust you
will use all diligence and give the greatest dispatch to this
necessary business.
July 17. 1776

[Council to Dent]

To Brigadier Genl Dent
Sir. We received a letter from Colo Jordan last night
advising that some of Dunmore's party had landed on St
George's and that the Boats were gone off to the Vessells it
was imagined for more, as the further Orders which we may

No. 48.

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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, July 7:December 31, 1776
Volume 12, Page 63   View pdf image (33K)
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