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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, July 7:December 31, 1776
Volume 12, Page 60   View pdf image (33K)
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60 Journal and Correspondence


[Barnes and Elliott to Council.]

We the subscribers having the Command of the two Com-
panys of Militia on Kent Island, beg leave to inform you, that
the people of the Island are much Dispirited by reason of the
removal of the Independant Company off the Island, and also
of a number of young men who is gone to the flying Camp
which has weakened our Militia Companies very much, and as
the people are apprehensive of being plundered and drove off
the Island very soon unless reinforced, we therefore humbly
desire that your honors will take the same immediately under
your consideration and order a reinforcement to come to our
assistance as soon as possible, or many of the people will go
off, and indeed we are in some doubt that some of them will
not take up arms unless we have some other force to assist us,
and there is no doubt but they will be very spirited and will
endeavour to defend the Island as long as possible. This
request we hope your honors will grant us, or we shall be in a
most deplorable situation expecting to be plundered and per-
haps drove off the Island if the enemy appears, which we
humbly expect, as it is said the Island is intended as a place
of Rendezvous for them. We are gentlemen,
July 16th 1776. Your most obedt Humble Servts
Thos. Barnes Jr.
Thomas Elliott


[B. Johnson to Council.]

Frederick Town July 16th 1776.
Capt. Meroney has been imployed by me and acted as Adjt.
to my Battl for two months. You will be pleased to give him
an order for [ ]12. I presume that it will be very serviceable
at present. Mr Williams I understand declines accepting his
Commn in the Flying Camp. I have not altered my opinion,
but am ready to obey the commands of my country.
I am Gent.
Your obedt Servt
B. Johnson.


[Dent to Council.]

Charles County 16thjuly 1776.
Gentn Your letter contains the first information, I've had
on the subject, shall immediately set out to St. Mary's and
take every Precaution in my Power to guard against and repel
the Enemy. From the instruction heretofore given the Field

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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, July 7:December 31, 1776
Volume 12, Page 60   View pdf image (33K)
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