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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, July 7:December 31, 1776
Volume 12, Page 59   View pdf image (33K)
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of the Council of Safety, 1776. 59

[Bracco to Council.]
Gentlemen :
I am extremely sorry that I am obliged once more to
trouble you, but hope you will excuse it, as it is done thro'
necessity. I have exhausted both money and credit to
support the men under my command here: and assure you
that unless you furnish me very shortly with a sum of money
for their subsistence, I shall be obliged to suffer the men to
disperse and let each man look out for himself. I expect that
in ten days from this we shall be able to do duty as the
small pox is very favorable. I am
July 16th 1776. Gentlemen, Your most obdt
Hble. Servant
Bennett Braco

C. S. C.

[Dallam to Jenifer.]

Harford County July 16th 1776.


In answer to yours of the 10th Inst. which I received yester
day I inform you I have twenty two muskets finished compleat
and fifteen more ready for Stocking six of which will be
finished this week.
Harvest & sickness of two of my best hands and the
bursting of twelve or thirteen of my barrels in my absence
has disappointed my expectation. Twelve of the Guns finished
have been proved with two ounces of powder and one ball,
the remainder with one ounce of powder and ball, but if this
proof will not satisfy I will apply to the gent you mention to
prove them, tho' it will be attended with expence & trouble
in taking them out of the stocks & fitting them in again.
What other barrels I make I shall apply to Mr James Harris
to see proved before stock'd as he lives handy to us & take
his certificate. I will deliver at my factory or Harford town
to your order what arms I have or can have made in time,
according to agreeament, but will not deliver them at Baltimore
town at my own risque & expense. As Colo. Hall is in this
neighbourhood, will not a delivery of the arms to him answer.
I believe I could get slings for the muskets & scabbards for
the bayonets made here, if you'd let me know the price given
for them.
I am Sir, Your very humble Servant
Richard Dallam
To the Hon Dan of St. Thos Jenifer
Presdt Council of Safety.
P. S. I have not the least doubt but my Arms will please
and be found as good as any made in Maryland.

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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, July 7:December 31, 1776
Volume 12, Page 59   View pdf image (33K)
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