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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, July 7:December 31, 1776
Volume 12, Page 61   View pdf image (33K)
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of the Council of Safety, 1776. 61

officers, I should have expected to have had notice given me

upon the appearance of an Enemy as soon as possible, but no

such thing have I had.

I am Gentn in haste

Your most obedt Servt

Jno. Dent.

[Skinner to Jenifer?]


Baltimore Nottingm Iron Works 16th July 1776.


I am favoured with yours of the 8th Inst. concerning the cast-

ing some small cannon for the use of the province; in answer

to which, I have to acquaint you, that the Nottingham Compy's

furnace under my care, blowed out about five weeks ago.

The remainder of this year will be employed in providing

stock for another blaste, so that we shall not be able to gitt to

work again sooner than sometime next January. I am with


Sir, your most obedient humble Servt

John Skinner.

[Tyler to Council.]



Agreeable to your orders, a Company out of my Battalion

will be at Annapolis to day, they are not quite compleat but

will be made so to morrow. The notice I had was so short,

there was not time to collect the whole Battalion which is the

reason that some of them are badly armed. It was past seven

o'clock on Monday morning before I received the orders.

Colo. Williams waits on you with this, and if necessary will

attend the Company till relieved. I should have waited on

you myself, but have just recovered from a spell of sickness

and being a good deal fatigued by attending the Battalion

yesterday it would have gone hard with me.

I am gentlemen

16th July 1776. Your very humble Servt

Rob. Tyler.

[Portteus to Council.]


Baltimore 16th July 1776.

Honored Sirs.

I have been told that your HonbL House has done me the

Honour of promoting me to a Third Lieut in Capt Nathl

Smith's company of Artillery now stationed here. If what I

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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, July 7:December 31, 1776
Volume 12, Page 61   View pdf image (33K)
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