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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, July 7:December 31, 1776
Volume 12, Page 58   View pdf image (33K)
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58 Journal and Correspondence

C. S. C.

fitted there, if possible, and therefore request you will exert
yourselves in your endeavours to have them done as expedi-
tiously as you can. We desire to know how many Arms you
have which have been delivered in by, or taken from those
who have not subscribed the Association or Enrolled in the
Militia. We have already a sufficient quantity of Cartouch
Boxes, Bayonets Belts and Slings, and have advertized for
Persons to contract with us for making Knapsacks with
Havresacks, Priming Wires & Brushes, but if you can recom-
mend to us any who will engage to supply the Public
with either of those Articles we shall be obliged to you.
Steel Ramrods, we presume, you will be able to get made,
but are doubtful as to bayonets, however if you can provide
them also we would have you do it.
Mr Hanson will deliver you this and we request you will
lay it out in the purchase of arms and blanketts. We have
not hitherto exceeded four pounds five shillings for a Musket
with a Steel Ramrod and Bayonet, but upon this occasion
would have you go as high as four pounds ten shillings, Guns
which you may purchase without either ought not to cost so
much, that the necessary repairs and providing Ramrods and
Bayonets will carry them above four pounds five shillings
unless they are very good, in which Case we will allow four
pounds ten shillings.
July 16, 1776

[Dashiell to J. Tilghman.]

Worcester County July 16th 1776.
Dr Sir: When Captain Kelly was down my sloop lay at
such a distance that we could not go to her as they were in
such a hurry; but I promised to send up her dimensions, he
heard her carector of being the fastest saylor in this place —
her standing rigging in good order, sales & running rigging
very indiferent: 46 feet long on deck, 14 1/2 feet Beam, 6 foot
Hole. I consider her sales and riging as nothin worth to the
Province except her standing rigging & should not haue
mentioned her only for her fast sailing. I gave one hundred
& fifty pounds for last yeare and if better to answer the
purpose cannot be got, I am willing to take the same for
her now.
This comes by a French Gentleman who I have had at my
house and sent him part of the way to Annapolis, he has
papers which will show that he is desirous to enter into our
Service in defence of Liberty & from his experience hope he
will be sarvicable. If you please lay this before your Brethern,
& oblige Sir Yr humble Servt
St. Joseph Dashiell

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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, July 7:December 31, 1776
Volume 12, Page 58   View pdf image (33K)
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