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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, July 7:December 31, 1776
Volume 12, Page 57   View pdf image (33K)
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of the Council of Safety, 1776. 57

Knapsacks with Haversacks, Priming wires & Brushes, Camp
kettles and Canteens or Wooden Bottles, but if you can
recommend to us any who can and will engage to supply the
Militia, with either of these Articles we shall be obliged to
you. Steel Ramrods we presume you can get made, but not
Bayonets, and therefore we have wrote Mr Hollingsworth of
Cecil County immediately to procure a number, a sufficient
quantity of which we will endeavour to supply you with as
soon as possible, upon being informed you can have the Arms
repaired and fitted. No period can furnish a greater necessity
for your warmest efforts, and we trust you will not leave any
thing unessayed upon the present occasion.
We will send you by the first opportunity some Cash to buy
Guns, and Blankets with, which we request you will lay out
We have not exceeded four pounds five Shillings for a
Musquet with a Steel Ramrod and Bayonet, but upon this
occasion, would have you go as high as four pounds ten Shil-
lings, Guns which you may purchase without either, ought not
to cost so much that the necessary repairs and providing
Ramrods and Bayonets will carry them above four pounds
five Shillings, unless they are very good, in which case we will
also allow four pounds ten Shillings
N. B. There is a person on Kent Island who has repaired
many Guns for the Militia, these particularly in the Locks, and
we are informed is well qualified for the Business.
July 16 1776

C. S. C.

[Council to Committees of Western Shore.]

To the Committees of Western Shore (respectively)
Gentlemen. It will be impossible for us to attend so par-
ticularly as we could wish to the execution of every part of
the enclosed resolves and therefore must request the favor of
you, (tho' we are conscious it will give you a good deal
of Trouble) to assist us as far as the nature of the Subject
and your situation will admit of to comply with them, par-
ticularly in borrowing Firelocks from such of the Militia as
will lend on the Public faith that the same shall be returned in
the like good order as received, or in case of Loss the Value
thereof — in having them valued and also in collecting a
sufficient quantity of Blankets for the Troops directed to be
raised in your County for the Flying Camp, and if practicable
more to make up the deficiency which we are apprehensive
there will be in some other Counties.
We wish the defective arms which may be collecting in
your County for the Flying Camp should be repaired and

No. 46.

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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, July 7:December 31, 1776
Volume 12, Page 57   View pdf image (33K)
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