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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, July 7:December 31, 1776
Volume 12, Page 551   View pdf image (33K)
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of the Council of Safety, 1776. 551

whom I think a very good man, is desired to be commissioned
in his stead. You have too a letter and its Inclosure I
received this afternoon from Cols Bruce and Blair. I hope the
returns you have before you will supply the omission of some
of the Gents Christian names, if not I really do not know what
can be done unless you can trust the Committee or me to fill
up the Christian names of such as you may be at a loss for. I
shall write to Colo Bruce informing him of the omission and
desiring him to write to you, but to prevent delay I had much
rather receive the Commissions if they can issue. I had no
suspicion that the Militia Commissions in this and Washington
County were in such disorder. This morning Capt. Brossleday
of the new Battalion came to town on purpose to tell me that
none of the officers in his Company nor as he believed of any
other company of that Battalion had yet received a commis-
sion. I went to the minits of the committee and on a long
search could only find five companies had been returned I
shall inclose in this a certificate as to them for fear if any
return was ever made to the Council, which I doubt, it may
have been mislaid. I very much wish I could get up commis-
sions for all the Gent, who are entitled to them. I imagined
from what passed in the Committee last night, they would
have sent off an Express this morning to have known for a
Certainty whether the Militia could have had any supply of
blankets &c from the Council of Safety, but this morning on
my several Times mentioning it the Gent, seemed disinclined
to it, presuming you would not furnish them, they were never
wanted more than by those, who now offer to turn out and I
cannot forbear repeating my former request that if you pos-
sibly can, you will forward shoes, stockings and blankets espe-
cially the latter to Taney Town or this place. I understand
part of our arms were left at Philadelphia to be removed some
distance from thence will you be pleased to send orders for
the delivery of them to our People. The Committee as I
wrote you resolved the militia ought generally to march and
the Humor seems to be that all ought to march, it will if any
thing general leave the Country rather too naked I should
have liked better that about one half was to march, but I do
not know that it was possible to contrive it so. I have hired
the bearer on purpose to carry this, and bring your answer.
I wish him not to be detained I am, Sr.

Your mo obedt Servant
Th. Johnson, Junr

25th Colo Beatty's Battalion met to day, they march on
Saturday B. Johnson's Batt. also met to day, they march I
believe on Monday. I inclose you a list for Commns. in James


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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, July 7:December 31, 1776
Volume 12, Page 551   View pdf image (33K)
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