552 Journal and Correspondence
Johnson's Batt. Please also to send a Commission for Carlton
Taneyhill in the room of phil Meroney who has not lately
attended his Compy, nor do I believe his compy would allow
him. This Compy is in Baker Johnson's Battalion. I believe
if you think proper the Militia of this County will be pretty
generally pleased at going under me. Therefore unless the
Militia from any of the other Counties will be much dissatis-
fied I think you had better give me orders.
Your obedt &.c.
[Morris to Jenifer.]
Philadelphia Dec. 24th 1776.
I received two or three weeks past your favour respecting
the obligation given by Mr Vanbiber & Mr Harrison to a
Capt. Poole (I think his name is, for my papers are out of
Town & your letter with them) and both before and after the
receipt of that letter I took much pains to persuade him to
receive the money, but this he positively refused to do, he
only sought here after an additional security as he had the
option of demanding payment here or in the West Indies
I am very respectfully
Sir your obedt hble. Serv£
Rob' Morris.
[Chase to Council.]
Strawberry Mount.
Gentlemen: Dec. 24th 1776.
I believe the account now delivered you is just. Mr Stone
ordered the cloaths for Capt. Watkins Company, and I should
have paid the debt, if I had been furnished with the cash.
Your obedt Servt S. Chase.
[Chamberlaine to Jenifer.]
Sir. Talbot County Decr 26th 1776.
A sincear desire to render my country every service in my
power, induced me to accept of the enclosed commission, but
finding myself disappointed that many of us rather disposed
to quarrell with his neighbour than face the Enemy, that a
general discontent prevails and unwillingness in the people to
do any duty or even attend musters, and a disregard to any
sort of order, several Battalions without field officers and
others absolutely refusing to obey the commands of those