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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, July 7:December 31, 1776
Volume 12, Page 550   View pdf image (33K)
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550 Journal and Correspondence

and none more worthy within the circle of my acquaintance
in the State of Maryland. I am, Honble Gent.
Your most obedt Humbl Servt
Geo. Cook.

C. S. J.

Tuesday December 24. 1776.

Council met. Present as on yesterday.
Ordered that the Western Shore Treasurer pay to Mr
Stephen West One hundred Dollars.
That the said Treasurer pay to Oliver Whiddon three
Pounds for a Musquet.
Ordered That the Commissary of Stores deliver to John
Chrysal twenty Bushels of Salt.
Copy of Letter No 69 was sent to Mr David Stewart, Balti-
more Town, and Copy of No 70 to Samuel Chase Esq.
Adjourned till Thursday 10 O'Clock, and from thence till


No. 69.

[Council to D. Stewart.]

Mr David Stewart —
Sir. Upon considering the application of Captn —— with
regard to his and his men's private venture of four casks
Rum, two casks of Molasses, fifty wt Coffee, one case of gin
& three casks of Limes, on Board the Prize taken by Captn
Cooke, we do give up the Part due to the State, and hereby
inform you thereof.
Decr 23rd 1776

No. 70.

[Council to Chase.]
Saml Chase Esqr
Sir. We are desirous that Colo Gist or any other of the
Colos who have commissions in the Continental Service should
have the bounty-money necessary to enlist their men. We
apprehend this would be done by Congress as a matter of
course without any application to us. Col. Gist says you think
otherwise, therefore we have wrote this line, and request you
will forward the delivery of the money to the several officers
for recruiting as speedily as possible.
Decr 23rd 1776


[T. Johnson to Council.]
Gent. Fred. Town 24th Decr 1776

I inclose you a resignation of Mr Azel waters as Quarter
Master in Colo James Johnson's Battalion. Mr Richard Butler

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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, July 7:December 31, 1776
Volume 12, Page 550   View pdf image (33K)
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