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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, July 7:December 31, 1776
Volume 12, Page 549   View pdf image (33K)
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of the Council of Safety, 1776. 549

[B. Rumsey to Council.]

Joppa 23d December 1776.
Mr James Talbot a merchant in Joppa and an officer in the
militia in the eighth Battalion is desirous of procuring a Cap-
tain's commission in the Regulars to be raised as the Quota of
this Province.
I have known him for some time, he is a cool serious think-
ing man a native of America, possesses as far as I have ever
heard a fair character in trade and his dealings, has ever been
ready to do his duty as a Militia officer, has on all occasions
shewn his readiness to meet the enemies of freedom, upon
every requisition, early in this contest has solicited a commis-
sion, and in my opinion has spirit enough added to his attach-
ment to the cause to meet the foe and do his duty in the field
to the best of his skill and ability.
Mr John Wayne would accept of a Lieutenancy under him,
he is a native of Great Brittain married into a family in this
neighbourhood, seems much attached to the cause of Liberty,
is well acquainted with the manoeuvres generally taught in the
militia and I verily believe would make a good officer.
I am Gentlemen,
Your most Humble Servt
Benjamin Rumsey.


[G. Cook to Council.]

Philadelphia Decr 23d 1776.
Honble Gent. I wrote you from Christiana Bridge on the 19th
Inst, and on the 21starive at this Place, where I waited on
Genl Putnam for orders. He directed me to the Marine
Board; on waiting on them my People were desired to assist
in fitting out the Delaware. There is nothing at this time
appears alarming the Enemy are retreating its supposed to
Winter's Quarters, I am extremely willing to do every thing
in my power to serve our Country, but it appears to me from
what intelligence we have, that we shall not be wanting, in
that case it will be better to be fitting out the Defence. I
have inclosed you a list of the officers and men now with me,
they are in high Spirits and very desirous of engageing the
Ennemey, and I am satisfy'd would have endeavour'd to excell
each other in being of most service to their Country. I had
not time before I set of to make mention of those Gentlemen
who are worthy of preferment. I now will use the freedom of
mentioning my first Lieutenant Mr Auchenlick, likewise my
second Mr Burnell both those Gentlemen are very deserving


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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, July 7:December 31, 1776
Volume 12, Page 549   View pdf image (33K)
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