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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, July 7:December 31, 1776
Volume 12, Page 548   View pdf image (33K)
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548 Journal and Correspondence

C. S. J.

the 18th Day of this instant December in the Evening, Cards
were delivered to sundry Persons in the City of Annapolis to
the following Effect; " You are hereby ordered to depart this
City to-morrow 9 O'Clock. signed J. Weems in Behalf of
Ann Arundel County." Which Cards we are informed were
delivered by Stephen Steward junior; the Council of Safety
having taken the same into Consideration, are of Opinion that
such Cards are contrary to the Resolves of Congress and
Convention, and against the 21st Section of the Declaration of
Rights, which asserts "That no Freeman ought to be taken
or imprisoned, or deprived of his Freehold Liberties or Privi-
leges, or outlawed, or exiled, or in any manner destroyed, or
deprived of his Life, Liberty, or property but by the Judgment
of his Peers, or by the Law of the Land." Ordered therefore
that the said John Weems and Stephen Steward Junior attend
the Council of Safety on the thirtieth Day of this December,
to shew by what authority the said Cards were so made out
and delivered.
Ordered that separate Copies be made out and served on
the said John Weems and Stephen Steward Junior, and that
Mr Allen Quynn be and is hereby appointed for that Purpose.
Adjourned till next Day 10 o'clock.


No. 67.

[Council to Barnes.]

Colo Abraham Barnes
Sir. Information has been made to us that Mr Saml Abell
of Saint Mary's County being lately chosen Sheriff of said
County declined to act as Inspector, which office he has for
some time past exercised. Should this be the case, Mr Abell
must make a written resignation of his office of Inspector to
the Committee, and you will then deliver the enclosed Com-
mission to Mr Enoch Fenwicke Senr, and transmit us an Acct
of such you proceedings.
Decr 23rd 1776

No. 68,

[Council to J. Hollingsworth.]

Mr Jesse Hollingsworth
Sir. Mr Howard tells us that a quantity of Pigg iron has
been delivered at Fell's Point on behalf of the public, for
which no receipt has been given, we request the favor of
you to see that the quantity of Iron is right, according to
account of Ridgely Howard & Lux, and give a receipt for the
same & have it taken care of
Decr 23rd 1776

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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, July 7:December 31, 1776
Volume 12, Page 548   View pdf image (33K)
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