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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, July 7:December 31, 1776
Volume 12, Page 547   View pdf image (33K)
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of the Council of Safety, 1776. 547

Where am I to git guns for the Gaily it is emposibel to make
the careges without the Guns. I am, Gentlemen
Your most obedient Servant,
Stephen Steward.

[Barrister Carroll to Council.]

Mount Clare Dec 21ist 1776.
Dear Sirs.
By direction of the Congress, I send you the inclosed
resolves The last letters bring us a piece of Intelligence that
it may be material for you to know one Mr Bevan a person
that may be depended on who was taken by Capt. Hammond
informed Mr Morris that Hammond told him they were now
determin'd to put a total stop to our trade, and for that pur-
pose 6 Frigates were to be stationed off Georgia and the
Carolinas, 6 off the capes of Virginia and six off Delaware,
Their signals and their stations were fixed so as to form a
compleat line along the coast and that they have determined
to keep their stations during the whole winter. This I fancy
it will be difficult for them to do, however I thought it neces-
sary the Board should know their plan.
I am with most sincere respects to you all,
Dear Sirs Your most humble Servt
Charles Carroll.

I have nut as yet seen here any of your Delegates, Ques-
tions of the greatest magnitude every day agitated and
resolves enter'd into and this State without a representation
or voice.

C. S. C.

Monday, December 23. 1776.

Met according to Adjournment. Present as on Saturday.
Ordered That the Western Shore Treasurer pay to Isaac
McHard One thousand Pounds on Account.
Mr Enock Fenwick Senr was appointed Inspector at Cole's
Warehouse on St Cuthbert's Creek, St. Mary's County.
Copy of Letter No 67 was sent to Col. Abraham Barnes
and Copy of No 68 to Mr Jesse Hollingsworth.
Ordered that the Board of Accounts be as expeditious a:
possible in making out the Account of this State against the
United States.
Ordered That Lieutenant Thomas Todd be empowered tc
contract on Account of this State for the making 3000 men:
Hats for the Soldiery not to exceed Eleven Shillings anc
three pence each.
Whereas we have received Information that on Wednesday

C. S. J.

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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, July 7:December 31, 1776
Volume 12, Page 547   View pdf image (33K)
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