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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, July 7:December 31, 1776
Volume 12, Page 546   View pdf image (33K)
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546 Journal and Correspondence

C. S. C.

[Deams to Council.]

Baltimore the 21st of December 1776.
To The Honorabell the Councell of Seaftey of Maryland.
Gentelmen. As I have not at present a first Lieutenent in
my companey I would in the warmest terms recomend Mr John
McCalec of Baltimore to be by you apointed my first Lieuten-
ant, as I know him to be an actif good oficer and a man who
have been exceedingly actif in a millatery company in this
Town, and likewis know he has a good deal of intrest so as
to enabell him to asist me in reasing the Companey. I there-
fore hope you will indulge me in this request. By complying
you will Honorabell Sirs, oblidge,
Your ready servant to comand.
Fretrick Dems.


[Steward to Council.]

December the 21st 1776.
Gentelmen. Agreabel to your order I have sent an anker
to Captain Martin of 517 lbs. I have no anker of 800 weight
which was the sise he sent for I have one of 1000 lbs. the
anker I now send him is full large enuf for the Brigg. There
is but fue Captains that now gos to sea that nose what wait
anker suts them without seeing the anker. I detaind the
Boat till the anker was stockt as there might be some
defekelty in giting it stockt in Anaplois. You are now
braking in on the metearls I have provided for your littel
navie which I have spared no pains to git and have got almost
every kind for them, it dont apear to me that I am like to be
rewarded for my trubell. When ever you want, ship, Brigg,
schooner or Sloop bought for the use of the State the comition
is given to sum bodey that perhaps dont merit the advantag
more than myself. Since I have undertaken this business for
you I have been ofered a comition from a nabouring State, a
comition to buy three ships which would ben to me at lest
£150 in my way, the hole reason my not exepting of this
comition was I was employed by the Consell of Safety for the
Provence, you have employed three other yards to do your
business in. Have any one of them turned you off on singell
vessell but myself. I have built, rebuilt, riged, fited and ben
at all the trubell for fore fine vessells for you without the
assistance of a Captain even provided men and provitions,
and have the fifth and sixth vesell allmost redey for you. I
intend to Baltimore next tusday to atend Mr Luxes rope walk
for cabells and other cordig I shall take a province Boat with
me the finest in this Bay to bring down metearls with me, If
you have any comands that way I shall call on you on Tusday.

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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, July 7:December 31, 1776
Volume 12, Page 546   View pdf image (33K)
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