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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, July 7:December 31, 1776
Volume 12, Page 544   View pdf image (33K)
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544 Journal and Correspondence

and voted for Field Officers to be recommended, who were
recommended according to the vote, James Wells colo David
Moore Lt Colo Ephraim Howard 1st Majr Joseph Wells 2nd
Majr and Henry Stevenson Qr Master, this recommendation
was forwarded to Mr Sheredine in the time of the last Con-
vention, but he says on receiving a letter from Capt. Moore,
who was present and did not vote, suggesting the election
was not fair, he did not get any order for the commissions. I
see neither set of Field officers will intirely please the Bat-
talion and yet if Field officers are not appointed to that Batt. I
fear little, may be expected from it. I wish therefore commis-
sions were immediately sent up. Wm Winchester is first &
Upton Sheredine 2d Lieut of David Moore's Compy, Charles
Stevenson is first Lieutenant of Henry Stevenson's company,
Dav. Steiner is an infirm man and tho' enrolled never musters,
so that there can be no use in appointing him a field off'. I
am told Field officers were some time ago recommended for
the upper Batt. of all, Lemuel Barrett Colo the rest I either
did not hear, or have forgot, but I understand the commis-
sions have not come up, if the recommendation is before you
and not very exceptionable I would wish the commissions
were sent up, what few people may on any occasion be got
from that quarter will tell for at least so many.
23d I have had no Oppty of sending the above away. This
afternoon the Comm" received money from the Congress.
None have yet marched but are very busy in preparing. If
you can possibly supply shoes, stockings, Tents, or Blankets
especially the last it may save a good many poor fellows, if
you can spare any do hurry them to this place or Taney Town
and advise us of it. I took the freedom to mention my senti-
ment that if Genl Beall's comm" had not expired it would not
do to give him the command of the militia: The prejudice is
so strong against him that many of the officers say they will
not go under him, as I hear this sentimt is so general I think it
my duty to mention it to you, I wish to be ascertained whether
I am to go or not. I am heartily willing to exert myself, in
the military line, if you think it may possibly promote the
service I am Gent.
Your most obedt Servt
Th. Johnson Junr


[D. J. Adams to Council.]

Decembr 20th 1776
The Honble Council of Safety
Gent. I apply'd to the Commissinors for a Commission in
one of the Battalions to be raised for this State, but after they

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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, July 7:December 31, 1776
Volume 12, Page 544   View pdf image (33K)
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