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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, July 7:December 31, 1776
Volume 12, Page 543   View pdf image (33K)
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of the Council of Safety, 1776. 543

duced an order from you on us which we offered to pay in
dollars at 7/6 but he refused to receive them unless we added
the advance of 25 p cent for his disappointment in not
receiving goods.
It gives us concern that you have not any prospect of pass-
ing your bills upon us: times may alter, and opportunities
may offer, wherein you may dispose of them. Should that be
the case, be sure to embrace every opportunity that may
present itself. We are well pleased with McCreary's shipping
the goods you mention, and hope that we shall have the
pleasure of seeing them soon.
There cannot be a doubt that we ought at least to receive
for our Powder sold at Charles Town the price that was given
for it at that place; if not a share of the Profits on the returns:
But this business we leave to you to settle in the best manner
you can for our State. We have debited you for it in the
manner you advised.
Inclosed you have Invoice and Bills of Lading for ————

which we wish to a good market. For God's sake send us all
the Salt you possibly can. Our people are in the greatest
distres from the need of it, next to that article send us Blank-
ets & other Woolens, Lead, Musquets, Hats, strong shoes,
stockings, Cold Thread, & Butts for Cloths, Medicines agree-
able to the inclosed Inventory, sail Cloth for Tents & sails,
course white Linen, ten thousand needles of different sizes,
and five thousand strong clasp Knives for Soldiers, — Thread
for the Linen & Twine for the Tents & Sails. We have a
pretty good stock of Powder. Send no more 'till you hear
from us on the subject.
Decr 19, 1776

C. S. C.

[Johnson to Council.]

Frederick Town 20tb Dec. 1776.
Some Time ago the Commee of this county formed James
Wells's, Wm pepples, Henry Stevenson's Lucien Meredith,
Henry Baker, Basil Dorsey, William Bressledan and David
Moor's companies into a Battalion and recommended Upton
Sheredine Colo David Steiner Le Colo. David Moore 1 Major,
Ephraim Howard 2 Majr and Charles Warfield Qr master it is
said here the recommendation was sent to the council oi
Safety and is lost. Afterwards, as it is said under the counte-
nance of some of the Committee and after a very general
agreement on time and place, and two or three weeks inter-
vening, most of the officers and some of the men though
from what I understand not a majority of the privates, met


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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, July 7:December 31, 1776
Volume 12, Page 543   View pdf image (33K)
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