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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, July 7:December 31, 1776
Volume 12, Page 542   View pdf image (33K)
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542 Journal and Correspondence

C.S.J. Stephen Gill
Thomas Bond
Aquila Tipton
Nicholas Gill

Capt. Luke Wiley
1 Lt Rd Cromwell
2 Lt Walter Bosley
Ens. John Wilmott
John Cockey Capt.

1 Lt
2 Lt

Adjourned till next Day 10 O'Clock.

C. S. C.
No. 65.

[Council to Baltimore Committee.]

The Committee of Baltimore County
Gentn We send by Capt. Towson the commissions for
Colo Cockey's Battalion agreable to your request. We are
informed by him that there is very little powder as yet in the
magazine. We are of opinion it would be proper to send
some more up there, and request you will order it. to be done
when convenient, and that such powder may be removed as
lyes most exposed.
Dec. 20th 1776

No. 66.

[Council to Van Bibber and Harrison.]

Messs Van Bibber and Harrison
Gentlemen. Your favors of 19th Nov. from St. Eustatia &
23th of the same month from Martinique we have received.
The information you have given us that all kinds of goods
and warlike Stores are plenty in 'Statia affords us Pleasure.
We hope to receive supplies from thence being determined to
miss no opportunity that offers of throwing cargoes into your
hands for that purpose. We have given to Martin, and shall
to every other Captain in our Service orders to proceed either
to 'Statia or Martinique as the most probable chance may offer
of his or their gating in with safety. Mr Van Bibbers private
accounts that you refer to, we have not received but should be
glad of them, as well as the Accts of Messrs Van Bibber &
Harrison as soon as possible, and we recommend it strongly
to that house to furnish the Council of Safety, or State, for the
Time being, with a state of their adventures & Accts Currl by
every opportunity. We are sorry that Mr Van Bibber should
be distressed by his advances for Maryland, and trust that it
will not long be the case; his order of £1320 we have directed
Messrs W. M. & Co to pay.
Mr Crockett we have not seen since his return; but what-
ever money he may apply for on your Acct shall be advanced
to him agreable to your order of the 19th Novr
It affords us pleasure that Captain Robertson's Salute was
returned in the respectful manner you mention. Mr Lux pro-


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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, July 7:December 31, 1776
Volume 12, Page 542   View pdf image (33K)
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