of the Council of Safety, 1776.
many of the Flying Camp who speak well and some who
speak ill of Smallwood. If you have any stock of shoes, stock-
ings or blankets that you can spare to be forwarded to York
immediately and there sold to the men at moderate prices
or sent after them it would be a great Relief. I shall expect
to hear from you, and am Gent.
With very great respect, Your obedt Servt
Th. Johnson Junr
Friday December 20. 1776.
C. S. J.
Council met. Present as on yesterday.
Ordered That the Western Shore Treasurer pay to William
Niven five Pounds on Account of his Contract for Pikes.
That the said Treasurer pay to Brigadier General Beall
thirty seven Pounds ten Shillings and a penny.
That the said Treasurer pay to John Ingram three Pounds
fifteen Shillings.
That the said Treasurer pay to George Deny thirty three
Shillings and nine Pence.
That the said Treasurer pay to General Beall twenty nine
Pounds ten Shillings: the further Sum of ten Pounds: and
the further Sum of thirty nine Pounds fifteen Shillings.
That the said Treasurer pay to Capt. Ezekiel Towson sixty
six Pounds nine Shillings and nine Pence.
Copy of Letter No 65 was sent to the Committee of Observa-
tion for Baltimore County, and Copy of No 66 to Messrs Van
Bibber and Harrison.
Instructions and sailing Orders were given to Capt. John
Martin of the Brig Friendship.
Ordered that the Quarter Master purchase Wine, Spirits, or
any other Necessaries that they may be directed to provide, by
Doctor Tootell.
Commissions issued to the following Persons appointed
Officers in Col. Edward Cockey's Battalion of Militia in Bal-
timore County, to wit.
Beal Owings
Henry Howard
Wm Harvey
1 Lt
John Wilson
1 Lt
Wm Scarff
2 Lt
Wm Ensor junr
2 Lt
Joseph Hart
Joshua Welsh
John Talbott
Daniel Shaw
John Dunnock
1 Lt
John Sharp
1 Lt
James Norris
2 Lt
Abm Cox
2 Lt
Joshua Anderson
John Wiley