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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, July 7:December 31, 1776
Volume 12, Page 540   View pdf image (33K)
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540 Journal and Correspondence

of my march to this place. I shall write you from Philadelphia
by the first opportunity, and should we be call'd to action I
have not the least doubt but we shall support that Honor that
our Province already have gained. I am,
Honord Gent.
Your very Humble Servt
Geo. Cook.

P. S. Since I wrote the above I find myself disappointed
in a vessell, so that I intend immediately to set off for New


[Johnson to Council.]

Frederick Town 19th Dec. 1776.
This evening an Express came to town from Baltimore with
the Resolution of Congress of the 9th Instant requesting the
militia of Balt. Harford, Cecil and Fred, counties to march to
reinforce Genl Washington. I do not know what could have
delayed the messenger between Phila and Balt, the Resolu-
tion was inclosed to the Commee of this county they have
resolved the militia ought to march and I believe a very great
proportion will though as you must imagine many of them are
very illy provided for a winters campain. it is intended if
possible to get some in motion on Monday. I do not know
whether it is intended that I should command the whole
Militia or any part of them or not. if it is I think some special
authority for that purpose will be necessary and I shall cheer-
fully execute it as well as I can, but in a matter of so much
consequence I shall frankly give my opinion at every hazard
that it is best not to let our militia go out under any provincial
Brigadier. Genl Beall's commission I suppose has expired
and if not many of the Flying Camp speak of him so far from
respectfully that you may be assured that many from here
would but half obey him, and so far with all ill will. None of
the rest of us have seen service and I fear we are not so com-
petent nor will the men have the same confidence in either of
us, as in one who has had experience. Genl Smallwood and
several others I believe have but very small Brigades, but if
any Gent, goes from here as Brigadier he must have a great
stock of philosophy to give up his brigade to another tho'
superior in abilities, and having nothing to do when he fore-
sees the general however unjust imputations which will be
thrown upon him. if these reasons appear to you in the same
strength they do to me, I imagine our militia might be put
under the immediate command of Smallwood by a request to
the Congress, or General Washington. I have seen a good

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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, July 7:December 31, 1776
Volume 12, Page 540   View pdf image (33K)
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