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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, July 7:December 31, 1776
Volume 12, Page 539   View pdf image (33K)
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of the Council of Safety, 1776. 539

"In Council of Safety, Decemr 19. 1776.
" We are called upon by the Duty of our Station to take
notice of the Powers assumed by some Persons yesterday
Evening in ordering divers of the Inhabitants of the City of
Annapolis into Banishment, without any Cause assigned, by
Cards transmitted them. We are of Opinion such Cards are
contrary to our Association, flying in the Face of the Resolves
of Congress and Convention, and against the letter and Spirit
of our Declaration of Rights: the Peace of the State ought
and must be preserved, and all Offenders brought before the
proper Judicatures for Tryal; therefore we earnestly recom-
mend to all associators and other well disposed persons to
discourage such extrajudicial and disorderly Proceedings,
tending in their Consequences to prejudice the common
Cause, and to the Destruction of Order and regular Govern-
ment." " By Order
R. Ridgely Clk."

Adjourned till next Day 10 O'Clock.

C. S. J.

[Council to Deakin.]

Major William Deakin
Sir, We have advanced two hundred and twenty odd
Pounds currency to John Yost in consequence of your Letter
recommending him to us. The guns he has ready we wish
to have sent down here, there are guns sufficient we are
informed, left by the Flying Camp, for those who may think
proper to march to the relief of the City of Philadelphia.
Should we hereafter find it otherwise, we will let Colo.
Murdock or yourself know by a Line, before the militia march.
Decr 19th 1776


No. 64.

[G. Cook to Council.]

Christaina Bridge Dec 19th 1776.
Honor'd Gent.
I recd yours dated the 15th and on the 17th left Baltimore
with 76 in number all hearty and in high spirits, agreeable to
yours to me waited on some of the Honble Congress at Balti-
more, to them I shewed your letter and have one from them
to the Honble Commanding General at Philidelphia, where I
shall apply for further orders, where I hope for that rank due
to my Station and no distinction as being a Provincial Officer,
I hope will take place. I expect to leave this about 3 o'clock
when the tide will answer to proceed by water for Philidephia,
Capt. Patterson has got charge of the vessell I came up in, I
had not time to write you by him, I desired him to inform you


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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, July 7:December 31, 1776
Volume 12, Page 539   View pdf image (33K)
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