I hope the Defence is safe arrived. I have been uneasy for
her safety as she has exceeded her proposed cruise.
I am with much Respect
Gent. Your most obedt Humble
Thos. Smyth.
[A. Hall to Council.]
November 27th 1776.
As Capt Bennett Mathews has made application to your
Honrs for a Captns place in one of the Gondolas now building,
and as Capt. Alexander Cowin and Mr Archbd Buchanan
has one nearly ready, and wants a Captn to take charge of her ;
and as I am well acquainted with Capt. Mathews and know
him to be a good Seaman and a sober man, begg leave to
recommend him as a proper person for such a place, and shall
take it as a favour if your Honours should think proper to
give him a birth. I am Gentn yr
Most obedt Humbl Servt
Aquila Hall.
[J. Murray to Council.]
Cambridge Nov. 27th 1776.
As I have heretofore had the Honour of an appointment
from your Board to the Command of a Battalion of Militia of
yr State, permit me to return you thanks for that mark of yr
I have filled that Station, as long as I find it convenient
under its present Regulations, and must therefore beg leave to
resign. Yr obt huml Servt
James Murray