[Steward to Council]
October 29th 1776.
Gentillmen. Mr Gideon Odair waits on you for a comition
as Captain of Morreens on board of the largest province
schooner which I hope to have riged and fit for sea in 10 or
12 days, as sailers are very hard to be got I should think it
would be well for you to put from 20 to 30 landsmen on
board after being a cruse they will become half sailers, which
will be of great use to this State. Mr Odarer as I have said
to you before is as hting a man tor the servis as any of my
acquaintance. He has the offer of going out in that sation in
a small privateer in this Nabour Hud, but now corns to you to
give you the prefernce. If you should think of giving him a
commition, its high time he was recruiting as there is several
recruiting parties about this place and Petoxen.
I am Gentellmen
Your Humble Servant
Stephen Steward.
If you should give Mr Odeir a comition it will be well to tell
him to git as many young countrey born lads as he can.
[Garrett to Jenifer.]
October 29th 1776, Swan Creek.
Sir. Captain Holland's company, marched last Wednesday,
one of the gentlemen that assisted me was pretty fortunate in
procuring blanketts, the whole company was well equipt there-
with, and have remaining now in store at Susquehannah
Ferry, Fifty three, with the remainder of the Cartouch boxes
and knapsacks, they were all equipt with good guns, and all
fixt with bayonetts but two or three tho very few scabbards,
but these were to be got in Philadelphia, all the exertion in
my power was used, and by the assistance of some Bayonetts
I had by me and my smith to fit them believe the gunns will
answer, being mostly old tryed gunns. I have near One hun-
dred and Fifty yards of linen they took none of that article,
on being inform'd they were to have Barracks but wish they
may not want it. I paid the Captain near Fifty pounds for
their subsistance to Philadelphia, and have still a little left, the
whole account I will render as soon as I can get in one of the
Gentlemen's accounts that assisted me. I shall wait your order