[G. Cook to Council.]
At Sea, Ship Defence 30th October 1776.
Honle Gent.
On the 4th of this Instant I wrote you by Capt. Brown &
Walker who I sent in with a Snow and Sloop taken off St.
Augustine, which I hope have got safe in. I flatter'd myself
at that time that you would have heard from me sooner. I
this day have taken a small schooner with 40 hhds Rum, three
hhds Sugar, 1 Cwt Coffee, a few Barrells Limes &c. from
Dominica by her clearance bound to Newfound Land, but
have reason to believe the Capt of her intended to New York
to supply the Ministerial armey, he gives me Information of
two Briggs and three schooners to sail from Dominica in a
day or two with rum, sugar & Coffee for New York, or Halli-
fax. I shall endeavour to be in their way, and hope you'l be
no way uneasy should I stay rather longer out than you might
expect. I have spoke a schooner from Charles Town for Cape
Nichola, and yesterday spoke a French Ship from Cape
Nichola bound for France. We have spoke every thing that
we have seen, but one schooner which we did not attempt,
being in chase of the French Ship which gives me great reason
to think our Ship sails fast.
Our Ships Company keeps their health extremely well, and
have the Pleasure to inform you we are well satisfyed, and
that the greatest harmony subsists between us.
I hope you'l pardon the freedom I hear use, being a young
officer in this service, in pointing out to you those officers
under my command that is deserving of appointments, but I
should in every degree think myself blameable to my country,
should I not mention such to you; Mr Auchenlick and Mr
Burnell my two Lieutts from every circumstance since with me,
I find them to be experienced and brave officers, have been a
considerable time in the British Navy, and from every thing I
can observe hath entered into our service entirely from Prin-
ciple. I have likewise occasion to mention Mr Joseph Smith
second Lieut of Marines on board, who has behav'd extremely
well. From those circumstances they hope for your favour at
the time of appointments in the country service.
I am Hond Gent yr most obedt Huml Servt
Geo. Cook
P. S. I have inclosed you a list of all the officers and men
belonging to the Ship. I would have transmitted sooner, but
it was not in my power G. C.