Ordered That said Treasurer pay to John Bullen Qr Master
fifty Pounds, fourteen shillings for Amt of Acct.
Ordered That Charles Wallace Paymaster advance tc
Osborn Brashear's of Captain Bracco's Company, one month's
Warrant issued to John David appointed Lieutenant of one
of the Gondola's, to enlist fifty men.
Ordered That Western shore Treasr pay to John David
one hundred and fifty Pounds, for recruiting Service.
Ordered That Western shore Treasurer pay to Charles
Williamson twenty two Pounds, sixteen shillings & eight
Pence, for Amt Acct
Ordered That Captain Keltic be requested to purchase of
Mr Smyth whatever cordage he may want, which Mr Lus
cannot supply, and the Council of Safety will pay therefor.
Ordered That Major Fallin be directed to deliver to Henry
Lowes, or order, all the wearing Apparel of a certain Josept
Whaland now in his Possession.
Ordered That Western shore Treasurer pay to Nicholas
Valiant three pounds, for Amt Acct
Ordered, That said Treasurer pay to Captn Wm Pattersor
sixty Pounds, six shillings for Amt Acct
Ordered That The Paymaster pay to Wm O'harro of Captair
Burke's Company one month's Pay.
Adjourned 'till next Day 10 o' Clock.
[J. Clarke to Jenifer.]
Baltimore October 28th 1776.
Hond Sir. When I was last at Annapolis Melcher Keener
and myself made the Honble Councill of Safety, an offer tc
serve them, in the purchase of produce here, but since
then we have not had the pleasure of hearing from the
Honble Council, do suppose they are otherways engaged.
have a schooner on hand which, by a resolve of our committee
sometime ago, I am not allowed to load on my own account
have resolved to sell her, and should you still be in want of
vessells, may have her if you please. She will carry 700
Barrells or upwards, she will want some repairs. The price
as she lies is 45q£ .
I remain respectfully your most obedt Humb. Servt
James Clarke