406 Journal and Correspondence
the steel not good, though the best I could then get, the want
of Experienced hands in the mill, all plead for their Honnour
Indulgence. I have sent Mr Winters some since much better
and have now by me about 200 which I flatter myselfe will
merritt their approbation, which with some muskett barrels
and large piecs, I fully intend down with as soon as the
service above resighted will permitt, you will please to lay
this before their Honnours though wrote in much haste (as
'tis all truth) I should have wrote to their Honnours but have
received no cencure from them save what Col. Benjn Rumsey
gave me at Philadelphia verbally who I am much obliged to
for his assistance in dispacting me and am Dr Sir
Yours & the Honbl Council's mo obedt & Hble Servt
To Joseph Gilpin Esqr H. Hollingsworth
Convention at Annapolis.
[Capt Teams to Council.]
Baltimore October 27th 1776.
Gentlemen. I take this opportunity to lett you know that
the most of my company is willing to enlist for during the
war with me provided that I might give them twenty dollars
as Bounty without deducting the sum of eight dollars which
they have received of me as bounty for their former enlist-
ment. My men says that they will serve their time out with
me according to contract and then that they will enlist with
another person in order that they may receive the sum
of twenty dollars without any deduction, my men that has
not as yet received their months advance insists that I should
pay them this week, therefore I should be glad to know
whether I must pay them out of what money I have now in my
possession. I find that by the Resolutions of Congress the
private men is allowed but six shillings per week for rations,
which I think it would be impossible for any officer that draws
rations for his men to find them in provisions for that price. I
should be glad gentlemen you would lett me know what pay
pr. month the private soldiers and officers has according to the
resolutions of Congress.
I am Gentlemen with great respect yrs. to serve.
Fredrick Teams.
C. S. J.
Monday October 28th 1776.
Council met. Present as on yesterday.
Ordered That Western shore Treasurer pay to Chs Carroll
(Barr) thirty one Pounds, ten shillings, for forty five days
Attendance in Council of Safety