of the Council of Safety, 1776.
William Johnston
Robert Moore
John Gibson
John Bowen
Henry Kuhnes
William Sutton
Robert Muckleroy
Anthony Murphy
John Harriss
William Pollard
Jacob Irissler
John Fitzgerrald
Jacob Hesse
William Veal Steuart
John Carroll
William Preston
Michael Clancy
John Burgess
Thomas Fanning
James Long
Jeremiah Leitch
Ezekiel Harris
Charles Steuart
Dennias Mannan
Herbert Alexr Wallace
John Nolland
Nicholas Rodes
Zepheniah Wallace
Nicholas Rodes Jr
William Pruett
Alexander Mason
James Jordan
John Hennes
Robert Robinson
Thos Hays.
60 Men at £5.. 10.. 0 each
£330. 00. 00
Certified by Richd Smith.
[Du Val to Council.]
Henrico County Virginia Octo 15th 1776.
Gentlemen. I have delivered to one Thomas Foster at
Hanover town on Pamonkey River 2781 Bushels of good pit
coal, agreeable to my contract with Mr Tobias Rodulph at
1/4d pr bushel our currency who by the last of march was to
have paid the money or given an order on our Treasurer both
of which he has failed to do. Mr Rodulph has not wrote nor
in any manner complied with his engagement. Altho' I could
not supply the several orders for coal, have not disposed of
the above quantity. By the inclosed you'll see what he tells
Mr Samul Parsons a gentleman from my neighbourhood. If I
had conceived that Mr Rodulph would have put me to the
trouble he has, I would not have sold him a bushel of coal.
Neither did he ever hint that your Honble Board was to have
paid for them. Mr Treasurer told me as Mr Rodulph had
given no order, he could pay no money. No vessel has
arrived for that coal. I hope your Honble Board will direct
Ro. C. Nicholas Esq to make payt and send for the coal, as I
am in want of the money.
I am Gentlemen, with great respect
Your most obdt Servt
Samuel Du Val.
[Maccubbin to Council.]
I having committed my proposials to your considerations,
should esteem it as a singular favour, if you would please to
inform me if they will be agreeable, the Currier whom I deal
with is going to the Norward to purchase leather and before
he goes I must lett him know what quanty I want, that he