352 Journal and Correspondence
No. 218.
[Council to J. Hanson.]
Sir. Oct. 15th 1776.
We have received your favor of the 1 2th instant and send
you by Mr Fan £100. for the Support of the Prisoners. You
will be pleased to render us a particular Acct of the expendi-
ture of the monies heretofore furnished for that purpose as
well as of the above.
Oct. 15th 1776
John Hanson, Esqr.
[R. Smith to Council.]
George Town October 15th 1776.
May it please your Honours. Enclosed you have a list of
the men now enrolled under my command, and I apprehend
that my Lieutenants and Ensign may have a few more, but this
I am uncertain of.
There are only a very few guns and blanketts yet belonging
to the company and I am fearful that not many more can be
procured in this county so as to be ready for this company in
any reasonable time. But if it is your opinion that I should
march with those already enrolled, in our present condition,
you will be pleased to transmit! me your orders and they shall
be obeyed. In the mean time with the assistance of Col
Magruder, I shall try to purchase all the arms and other neces-
saries I can hear of, and also to enlist more men.
I am, may it please your Honours,
Your most obedt Servt
Richd Smith.
[List of Smith's Company.]
Montgomery county, To wit:
List of non commissioned officers and privates enrolled into
a company of Militia for the service of the Flying Camp, under
Captain Richard Smith, Lieutenants Walter White and Thomas
Hayes and Ensign Thomas Sprigg, commencing the 19th of
Sept. 1776, to each of whom the bounty money and one
month's pay has been advanced at that time and at several
dates since, as pr List now in possession of
October 15th 1776. Richd Smith Capt
Levi Hayes
John Davies
George Windom
Henry Clagett
John Smith
Peter Night
John Patrick
Alexander Read
William Madden
Matthias Hemstone
Matthew Read
Henry Atcheson
Andrew Hughes
William Norris Son of Benjn
Andrew Keath
Jesse Harris
William Wallace
Samuel Queen Windsor
William Summers
Levin Hayes
John Bennett
Joseph Lewis
John Raynolds
John Hinton