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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, July 7:December 31, 1776
Volume 12, Page 35   View pdf image (33K)
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of the Council of Safety, 1776. 35

by Bilge Water admitted into the hold of the said Vessel thro
insufficiency of said Vessel or neglect of the Hands then on
board, in not pumping her as often as necessary. And the
said flour is now hard, rotten & musty & unfit for baking or
any other merchantable use.
Mark Alexander, Benja Griffith

C. S. C.

[Stone to Council.]

Gent. Phila July 12th 1776.

Yours by Capt. Stricker was this morning delivered to me,
and I shall pay particular attention to its contents, tho I much
fear our endeavour to procure an Engineer to suit your pur-
pose will not be successful. Every man who ever fired a
Cannon or was present at erecting any kind of fortification
has been taken up for the Continental Service. There is no
provision made here for quartering any troops which may pass
through. Upon the first notice of Col Srnallwoods approach I
made enquiry of the State of the City Barracks, and find that
there are some soldiers in them who have the Small pox of
which I shall acquaint Co' Smallwood before he gets into

Indeed there is danger in almost every part of the City, and
I shall advise him to halt his men upon the common for a
while, until some safe place can be provided for their recep-
tion. They will feel severely the want of Tents of which there
are none in the Continental Stores. I submit to your consid-
eration if it would not be proper to have Tents immediately
made, and sent after the Troops. They will probably be sta-
tioned at a place where no quarters can be had. I expect to see
them tomorrow Capt. Stricker will I think be appointed a field
Officer in the German Battalion, for which I have no doubt
but he is well qualified from what I have heard of him. The
militia of this Province are daily marching to Trent Town in
the Jerseys, from whence they are to proceed to Amboy. This
will be the rout of our Troops I presume. If Brigadier Dent
should join the Regulars with the militia to be raised in your
Province I dont know how it will be possible to settle the Rank
of the Officers. As to keeping them distinct when they are
to compose one Army, it seems to me to be impracticable.
The rank of each Officer in the Army must be settled before
Service is entered on, or the greatest confusion will probably
take place. I ordered by Mr Stephen Steward a case of
Instruments some paper and a Gun Carriage. Be pleased
inform me if you received them. Mr Alexander writes me
that Dr Wisenthall wants the Instruments very much. Our


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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, July 7:December 31, 1776
Volume 12, Page 35   View pdf image (33K)
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