36 Journal and Correspondence
C. S. C.
affairs on the lake are far from being so prosperous as I wish
them, tho' we have heard nothing certain from that quarter
since our Army retreated to Crown Point. Considerable rein-
forcements are ordered & if they arrive in time I hope our
Enemies will receive a Check. Gen. Howe remains on Staten
Island exercising his men, and viewing the situation of the
adjacent grounds. The inhabitants of the Island are generally
Tories, who I suppose will assist him all they can without
taking up arms, which I think few of them will do. Genl
Washington and the Army under him are in good Spirits, and
in strength daily increasing. We regret to hear of the arrival
of a considerable reinforcement from Britain, daily will bring
on a more intimate acquaintance between the two adverse
Armies. May God send Victory to the Arm lifted in Support
of righteousness, Virtue & Freedom, and crush even to
destruction the power which wantonly would trample on the
rights of mankind.
I am Gent, with most sincere esteem
Yr faithful & most humble Sevt
Our Province is now unrepre- T. Stone,
sented tho matters of the last consequence
are coming on. I pray one of the Delegates
may be desired to attend.
Mr Paca is out which occasions me alone to address you.
[Moore to Council.]
Honble Sirs.Annapolis July 12th 1776.
As there is a vacancy in Capt Nathaniel Smiths Company of
Artillery for a 2d Lieu' I should esteem it a very particular
favor, if your Honble board would grant me liberty to fill that
place. My reason for being so pressing to leave Annapolis
is, I have never enjoyed my health since I have been here,
and am afraid should I not benefit by the Baltimore Air, shall
be obliged to resign my Commission, tho very much against
my inclination, as I dont imagine I shall have my health while
I remain here, and as you well know, life is of little worth
without health. I hope you will consider my case & indulge
me in my above request, and the obligation shall be ever
gratefully acknowled by
Gentn Your most obedient &
Very hble Svt
N. Ruxton Moore