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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, July 7:December 31, 1776
Volume 12, Page 34   View pdf image (33K)
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34 Journal and Correspondence

C. S. C.

[Philadelphia Committee to Council.]

In Committee of Safety Philada July 12, 1776.
The Committee of Safety take the liberty to enclose a Letter
from General Washington recommending Lieut Waelpert to
a Company in the German Battalion. They would have been
happy in an occasion of shewing proper respect to such a
recommendation, but unfortunately it did not arrive 'till the
appointment had been made. Should there be an opening
left in the Maryland Division of the Battalion, they make no
doubt, but you will be pleas'd with an opportunity of providing
for Mr Waelpert, agreeable to the Generals desire.
By order of the Board.
I am Gent Your most Obd. Hum. Svt
Alexr Wilcocks, Chairman.

[Washington to Philadelphia Committee.]

Gentn New York July 8th 1776.
At the request of an old Officer of mine and who at present
is a first Lieutt in Colo Sheas Battalion, I am induced to
recommend him to the Honble Committee as a fit person to
command a Company in the German Battn directed by a
Resolution of Congress to be raised in your Provence.
John David Wilport late of your City is the person I mean
He is a German by birth, was a Soldier in his own Country.
Served many years as an Officer in the Regiment I had the
honour to command in the Virgia Service, always supported
the character of a diligent & brave Officer, And as far as I
know & believe is a man of good character. If therefore he
could be appointed to the command of a Company in the
above Regiment, I would, from my knowledge of the man,
pledge myself for his good behaviour, and meriting of it.
I am Gentn Your most Obedt Hble Servt
Go Washington.

[Alexander and Griffith to Council.]

Baltimore July 12, 1776.
We the Subscribers being requested by Mr Jesse Hollings-
worth to inspect some Flour (suppose nearly one hundred
Barrels) said to be landed from the Brig Fortune, belonging
to Messrs Lux and Bowley) and which Flour was purchased
by them for the Honourable the Council of Safety for this
Province) do to the best of our knowledge believe that such of
the aforesaid flour, as we have examined, has been damaged

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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, July 7:December 31, 1776
Volume 12, Page 34   View pdf image (33K)
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