346 Journal and Correspondence
Stone's friends that my company, the day we were engaged
on Long Island, behaved very ill. I gave him by the earliest
opportunity as true a state of the whole affair as I could recol-
lect, which he informs me he shewed to Mr Chamberlaine, and
which I believe the officers under me can aver to the truth of,
as can the officers under Capt Stone. I cannot judge him
guilty of writing any thing of the kind, have not had an oppor-
tunity of seeing him since I received my brother' s letter, being
gone to the Country very sick, such aspersions are base and
ungenerous, and not giving men a fair chance of vindicating
themselves. I have had the vanity to think the company I
have had the honor to command have behaved themselves as
well as in the service, notwithstanding the dark insinuations
that have been thrown out to their prejudice, and will refer to
Col Smallwood for their behaviour and conduct since they
have been under his command. I lost only three men on
Long Island. My company wants but few men to compleat it ;
they have been and still are very sickly, as are all our troops.
I am your much obliged Hble Servt
James Hindman.
[Hall to Jenifer.]
Sir. Agreable to the resolve of Convention of the 10th
September last to select a company of volunteers out of the
23rd Battalion in Harford County, I now make a return of the
officers names which are appointed to that company and I am
of opinion a compleater company has not gone from Mary-
land, the officers are first, Francis Holland Captain, John Car-
lile first Lieutenant, William Young 2nd Lieut and Robert
Morgan Ensign. If their commissions are sent to me shall
take care to have them delivered with dispatch. I have
advanced to Mr Wm Rae £3. 10. 4 for his expences and
trouble in goeing to Annapolis for the money for the Com-
pany as pr the account I inclosed and beg the favour of your
sending the money by the first safe hand as cash is very scarce
with me.
I am Sir your most obedt & Humble Servt
Octob 13th 1776. Aquila Hall.
[Bond to Council.]
Baltimore Sunday Morning Octob 13th 1776.
Gentlemen. Captain Norwood being out of town, I take
the liberty of answering your letter. I have 18 men in the
barracks in Baltimore, which has reed their bounty and some
of them a month's advance, and I believe the 2nd Lieut has 9