which is all the men there is enroll'd in Capt Norwood's com-
pany and I dont think the remainder could be got in less than
a month from this date. 12 of thoose men are willing to
enlist during the war or be turnd over to another Compy, if
some of their officers go with them. Capt Deems is likewise
out of town, 'tis probable you may not hear from him p this
express he wants a number of his men perhaps 10 or 12: the
expences of our men has .been considerable, and I would be
glad to know, as they are at my charge, whether they will be
turnd over to Deems' Company or discharged and go free
with what they have. I will forward your letter to Capt Nor-
wood as fast as possible that he may return the Money not
expended — and in the interim,
Remain Gentn your very Hble Servt
Nathaniel Bond 1st Lieut of Norwood's Company.
P S. Since writing the above I have seen Capt Deems
who has agreed to wait on you himself to morrow morning
and if Capt Norwood does not come in town, I will likewise
wait on you with the names of the men that's enrolled.
N. B.
[Ewing to Council.]
Camp N: Harlem 13th Octo 1776.
Honble Sirs. I arrived here the 18th ult. where I found the
three companies I forwarded from Baltimore under the care
of Major Eden, Capt Posey, Young and Low, the latter of
which I found wounded, which he received in an engagement,
which happen'd the Monday before I arrived. The next day
we were joined by Capt Hanson and Magruder, the 22nd by
Capt Tillard and Bowie and the 1st inst by Capt Forrest, so
that I have 8 companies here and am in dayly expectation of
Capt Brook's compy which will compleat my battalion, sorry
I am to inform you that the battalion is very sickly. By the
last return I had 237 privates sick, besides officers, owing to
our lying on the cold ground, without straw or plank, which
is not to be had, and medicine very scarce, great numbers of
the soldiers are badly off for clothing. I have given the Capt
orders on the continental store for what things they want, but
even then they cannot be supply'd. Numbers of the soldiers
are without blankets. Several who never received any and
some of the first 3 companes lost theirs in leaving New York.
I have furnished Genl Beal with the acco' of all the arms and
accoutrements recd by my Battn from the State of Maryland
as delivered me by the Capt all but Capt Posey who is in the
country at sick lodging.