of the Council of Safety, 1776. 345
are much discontented, for fear they should be kept the winter
through. The Bearer Mr Hopkins who I believe goes down
to sollicit favors from your House, and who has been a cadet
with our troops, can give you a very good acct of our treat-
ment and situation at present, and shall say nothing further
on that subject. Am informed the army is to be put on a new
establishment and the whole in the Continental Service, could
wish to know what is to be done with the Provincial Regulars
of our Province, as they seem to think they cannot be kept in
the continental service without their consents; and if the con-
tract they have entered into for the provincial service be once
dissolved,! doubt they will not enter very freely into the Con-
tinental, such is also the case with the Flying Camp, the
hard usage they have met with will greatly discourage them
from enlisting again under the new establishment struck out
by Congress, which I wish had been earlier fallen upon, as by
that means we might at this day have had a well disciplined
army and which I now despair of being raised very soon. Are
the Maryland Independant Companies to be form'd into Bat-
talion, it is the desire of all the officers belonging to them they
should. It is very inconvenient so many companies acting
together in one Battalion and subject to the command of one
man. do not suppose I am speaking for myself in hopes of
promotion, but that would be better for the service they
should, I think that melancholy day on Long Island convinced
us of the want of Field officers, having none but Major Gist
to command us, who behaved as well as Man could do; there-
fore do again repeat I think they should as soon as possible
be formed into Battalion: and if your honorable House should
not think the services I have done and the line of promotion I
now stand in sufficient for my advancement, shall submit to
your determination. I take the liberty however of recom-
mending my first Lieutenant A Anderson as a man worthy of
promotion and as good an officer as any in the Maryland
service, and have no doubt when his character is inquired into,
you will find I say no more of him than he deserves. We are
inform'd that a Committee is to go from each State to the
Camp to know what officers will serve and their merit. I think
they will generally find the Maryland Officers merit the Trust
and confidence heretofore reposed in them. I must beg the favor
of your notice and attention to James Morgan, first Sergeant
in my company, for promotion. Am satisfied he will merit
any favor that may be shewn him in that way, and have no
doubt of his making a good officer. He has acted as such
ever since he has been with me. Shall return with the sundry
articles I can procure in two or three days. Am very sorry to
hear from my brother that a report is spread among Capt