[Hindman to Jenifer?]
Philadelphia Octo 12th 1 7.76.
Dr Sir. About four days ago I arrived here in search of
necessary cloathing for the Maryland Regular troops, which
am much afraid shall not be able to procure at present, par-
ticularly shoes and stockings, of which we are in great want
and unless they can be got will render many soldiers unfit for
duty. I suppose between this and Christmass they may be
procured but at a most extravagant rate, common yarn Hose
are now at £6.. 10 the dozen pair, and every kind of goods in
the like proportion. I applied to Congress in hopes of being
supplied from the Continental store, but can get nothing from
thence. Am in great hopes your House will order us back to
the Province to get recruited and furnished with the cloathing
we are now in immediate want of. Col Smallwood wrote me
he had wrote down to the Convention for that purpose. I can
assure you the very thoughts of keeping our troops at Camp
all winter disheartens them very much, nor is it to be won-
dered at from the severe duty and great fatigue they have
undergone ever since they have been at N.York: a sufficiency
of Provisions we do not complain of, if a constant succession
of beef and flour from day to day will do, and that sometimes
without salt, and one day in the week we get salt pork, no
kind of vegetables does the Commissary furnish us with, and
such our situation that we can get none, being the nearest to
the Enemy's lines, any thing of that kind coming from the
Country being taken up by the Eastern troops over King's
Bridge. Think not sir, I mean to complain on my own acct
or that I wish to be recalled, it is for the men in general who