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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, July 7:December 31, 1776
Volume 12, Page 33   View pdf image (33K)
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of the Council of Safety, 1776. 33

them, so soon at this busy season of the year. As I appre-
hend the Council have not been able to provide Tents for the
Militia that this Province has resolved to send to the flying
Camp, I make them a tender of my best endeavours to get as
many made as will be sufficient for my Sons Company & per-
haps Capt. Perkins's, if they will order over to me one of those
made at Baltimore with the Poles, the Linning & Twine or
thread to make them, the Cruger would do much better than
none, perhaps some of the Sail Duck which is ordered up from
Chingoteague might do better. It will certainly kill all our
men to be exposed to the open Air in the months of August
& September when such heavy dews fall. I have two or three
men in my Service that have been used to making Sailes & a
Taylor, whom I think would make, in a few days as many as
will be sufficient for those two Companies. If the Council
should determine to accept of my offer the sooner they send
every thing over the better, and I dare say I can soon get the
Tents made especially if they are to be made of Cruger; many
women can be employed in sewing such Linning — If the
Council have not provided Baggage Waggons enough I can
furnish them with one very sutable for the purpose that is
almost new & in very good order. I wrote you some time
last week that a Robert Blake a Saddler in Chester town
would undertake to furnish the Province with a Qty of Cart-
ridge Boxes, Gun Slings, Bayonet Belts &c. at the same price
which the saddlers at Baltimore had done, & requested an
answer, but have not heard from the Council on that subject.
Blake waites your determination. A Report prevails here
that some of the Companies of militia which are ordered to be
raised for the flying Camp are to be stationed in this Province.
My Son earnestly requests that he may not be one of those
Companies & that he may be permitted to march to the Camp
as first was intended, & I hope the Council will indulge him
in his request.
You will please to remember that the hire of the Waggons
sent to Chingoteague will amount to a pretty large Sum. It
will be some time before I can attend the Council as I am
much engaged in forwarding the building of the Row Galley
which I have undertaken and am anxious to have her done
very compleat. Any thing which the Council may have to do
in the mean time in this quarter they will command me. What
has been done towards sending for the Goods from Chingo-
teague, Mr Nicholson has no doubt informed you.
I am Gentlemen with much respect
Your most Obedient hble. Servt
Thos Smyth.

C. S. C.

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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, July 7:December 31, 1776
Volume 12, Page 33   View pdf image (33K)
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