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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, July 7:December 31, 1776
Volume 12, Page 32   View pdf image (33K)
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32 Journal and Correspondence


[Roll of Graybill's Company.]

A Roll of thirty four men inlisted by Captain Philip Gray-
bill in virtue of a warrant issued by the Honorable Council of
Safety for that purpose and to him directed bearing date the
twelfth day of July in the year of our Lord seventeen hundred
and seventv-six.

Wolfgone Citzinger

David Mumma

Adam Earbaugh

Christopher Begel

Jacob Myers

Roland Smith

Frederick Welhelm

Jacob Hardstone

William Kemmel-


John Moore

Ferdinant Lorance

John Shryock

Vendell Andrews

Henry Millberger

Joseph Stritter

Michael Kersher

William Libzinger

Jacob Ruturt

George Hyalt

Jacob Frymiller

Martin Lantz

John Shlife

James Caple

Philip Kantz

Abraham Frantz

John Rich

Vendell Lerance

Frederick Wager

Lorance Knery

Matthias Byer

Henry Hartman

Peter Baker

John Shaffer

Rudolph Kromer

I do hereby certify that I have viewed and examined thirty
four men answering to the above names exhibited to me for
that purpose by Capt Philip Graybill and find them effective
and fit for duty.

Thomas Jones, 2nd Major, of Baltimore
Town Battalion of Militia.

[Smyth to Council.]

Ship Yard July the 12th 1776.

This will be handed you by my son Thomas who waites on
the Council for his Commission in pursuance of the Honoble
the Conventions order to him for enlisting a Company of
militia, he has enlisted a Company of stout able young Fel-
lows and almost all of them Country born; he informs me
that they have very few muskets among them which are fit for
Service, and I believe it will be very difficult to borrow any
from the Inhabitants as they dont know how soon they may
be called on to use them. What guns belong to the Militia
are generally very indifferent, permit me therefore to solicit
your honorable Board that his Company and Capt. Perkins's
may be armed out of the Arms that will be made by Winters,
and those which are sent for to Chingoteague

I hope they will be indulged with having their Companies
well armed as they have been industrious enough to enroll


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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, July 7:December 31, 1776
Volume 12, Page 32   View pdf image (33K)
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