of the Council of Safety, 1776. 31
Guns, 3.s we stand in very great need of them. We have
already Belts & Scabbards sufficient and have advertised for
persons to make Priming wires and Brushes and expect to
get the Ramrods in Annapolis, so that you will not have any
thing to do but repair the Guns and fit the Bayonets unless
to make swivels to sling the Guns, which must likewise be
We enclose you a Letter and order to Henry Hollings-
worth for four hundred Bayonets of different sized Sockets
for the Militia arms, if you engage for us in that business you
will send them by Express, but if you cannot you will be
pleased to return them.
July 12, 1776
C. S. C.
[Council to Jesse Hollingsworth.]
To Mr. Jesse Hollingsworth
Sir. We have received both yours of the 11th and 14th &
have dispatched the last vessel you sent down with the Flower
to Pocomoke, we are sorry to hear that the Flower on board
Messrs Lux & Bowley's vessell has been so much damaged by
their negligence for [which] no doubt they will think it but
reasonable to make us a Compensation.
You will receive by Captain Nicholson two hundred and
fifty Pounds, out of which you will be pleased to pay for the
vessels that carried the Soldiers from Baltimore as also for
those you sent down to Annapolis for that purpose. We are
pleased with your conduct and are obliged to you for the
assistance you have given us. We request you will purchase
the Timber, Mr Wells may want for building the two Gon-
dolas and apply the remainder of the Money in payment for
the same, what iron you may have occasion for shall be sent
you as you want it. While you are employed in the Public
Business we really think it unreasonable you should be obligee
to attend at Musters, it is our desire therefore that you shoulc
be exempt from that attendance and desire you will signify
this to your Officers
July 12, 1776
No. 30.
[Council to Ridgely.]
To Mr Charles Ridgely Senr
The Council of Safety would be glad to see you immedi-
ately on the subject of your Letter.
July 12, 1776.
No. 31.