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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, July 7:December 31, 1776
Volume 12, Page 30   View pdf image (33K)
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30 Journal and Correspondence

C. S. J.

sixty Dollars for Bounty money for their respective Compa-
nies, in the following proportions to wit, to each Captain three
hundred Dollars, to each Lieutenant two hundred Dollars &
to each Ensign One hundred and sixty Dollars.
Adjourned till next day 10 O'Clock.

C. S. C.

No. 28.

[Council to Henry Hollingsworth.]

To Colonel Henry Hollingsworth
Sir. We are in immediate want of about four hundred
Bayonets of different sized Sockets for the arms of the Eastern
Shore Militia, who are to compose part of the Flying Camp,
and have sent an order on you to Mr Winters for them, and
we request you will supply him with that Number as soon as
possible. The greatest exertions are necessary upon this
occasion and we doubt not your warmest efforts to enable us
to carry into execution the resolves of our Convention with
that dispatch the exigency of the times require.
July 11th 1776

No. 29.

[Council to Winters.]

To Mr Elish Winters
The Convention having resolved that the Firelocks of such

of the Militia who are to compose part of the Flying Camp ae

are not effective but might be made so by repairs, should be
repaired at the expence of this Province and that we should
cause Musquets found by the militia, borrowed or purchased
for the Flying Camp, to be fitted with Bayonets Iron Ramrods,
Worms, Priming wires Brushes Belt or Scabbards; and as we
are apprehensive such repairs cannot be made or Bayonets
fitted on the Eastern Shore with that despatch and expedition
the service may Require, but at your Shop, we desire you will
immediately inform us whether you can engage in that busi-
ness and will undertake to repair and fit with Bayonets such
Guns as shall be sent to you from the several Counties over
the Bay for that purpose. If they can be done elsewhere we
shall not desire you to do them as we could wish you should
confine yourself as much as possible to the Work you have in
hand but if they cannot, as there is an absolute necessity that
the militia should be immediately provided with good and
substantial Arms, we must request you will engage in that
business for us. It cannot be expected, that during the time
you may be at work on the Arms for the Flying Camp, that
you should comply strictly with your Contract with the Prov-
ince, yet it is hoped that you will be able to furnish some

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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, July 7:December 31, 1776
Volume 12, Page 30   View pdf image (33K)
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