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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, July 7:December 31, 1776
Volume 12, Page 29   View pdf image (33K)
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of the Council of Safety, 1776. 29

thaniel Ramsey's Company; and ten Pounds on Account of
Lieutenant Col. Francis Ware.
Copy of Letter No 28 was sent to Lieut. Col. Henry Hol-
lingsworth, & Copy of No 29 to MrElisha Winters of Chester
Town, inclosing the following Order.
That Col. Henry Hollingsworth deliver to Mr. Elisha Win-
ters 400 Bayonets of different sized Socketts.
Copy of No 30 was sent to Mr Jesse Hollingsworth, and
Copy of No 31 to Mr Charles Ridgely Senr.
Ordered that the Treasurer of the Western Shore pay to
Lieut. Daniel Jenifer Adams three Hundred and ninety
Pounds to purchase Cloathing for Capt Rezin Beall's Com-
Ordered That the said Treasurer pay to Captain James
Nicholson two hundred and fifty pounds for the use of Mr
Jesse Hollingsworth.
That the said Treasurer pay to Mr Daniel Hughs five hun-
dred pounds on Account of his Contract for Cannon.
Commission issued to Alexander Furnival appointed first
Lieutenant of Capt. Nathaniel Smith's Company of Matrosses.
Ordered That the Treasurer of the Western Shore pay to
Capt. Nathaniel Smith fifty pounds on Account of his Com-
Adjourned till 3 O'Clock and met accordingly.

Ordered That the Treasurer of the Western Shore pay to
the Clerk twenty pounds for Expresses and other purposes.
Ordered That the said Treasurer pay to Mr Stephen Stew-
ard six hundred Pounds on Account of the Row-Gallies.
Ordered That Capt. John Kilty and Mr John Ball be
requested to examine into the State and Condition of any
Vessels which they can leave on the Eastern Shore are for
Sale and report to the Council of Safety their Opinion of them
respectively, their value and Burthen, what the Owners will
take for them, whether they are fast Sailers, and sufficiently
substantial for armed Vessels.
Commission issued to Nicholas Ruxton Moore appointed
2d Lieutenant of Capt. Nathaniel Smith's Company of Ma-
Ordered That Warrants issue agreeable to a Recommenda-
tion from the Committee of Observation for Baltimore County,
to Philip Grayble as Captain, John Lhora 1 Lt Christian
Myers 2 Lt & Martin Shugart Ensign; Also to George Peter
Keeports Capt Samuel Gerrock 1 Lt William Ritter 2 Lt and
John Lindenberger Ensign of the two Companies of Germans
to be raised in Baltimore County.
Ordered that the Treasurer of the Western Shore pay tc
the Officers of each of the said Companies eight hundred and

C. S. J.

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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, July 7:December 31, 1776
Volume 12, Page 29   View pdf image (33K)
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