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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, July 7:December 31, 1776
Volume 12, Page 28   View pdf image (33K)
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28 Journal and Correspondence

C. S. C

3d Do whose conduct we flatter ourselves will do honour to
them and justice to the choice of this Committee.
We are Gentm" your most
Signed pr Order hble Svts The Committee of
Amos Garrett Chairman Harford County.

[Jesse Hollingsworth to Council.]

Sirs. Baltimore July 11, 1776.

The Brigs are both dischar'd. On hoisting out the lower
tier of the Flour on board Mr Lux and Bowley's Brig, I find it
is damaged. I have had two gentlemen to view the Flour.
The report they make I send you. The Flour apears to have
been wet sum time ago, as it is rotten all round the outsides
and head of the barrill and has since dried so that it is hard
and black which answers with what Capt Lunds reports con-
cerning it, as he says that it has not been wet this sum
time, but was under water more than two months ago, and not
since His report I have taken down in writing as I think there
has been a fault. I would bee glad that the blame should be
fixt right. Mr Spear has all the damaged Flour in his.custody,
and says that he will bake all that can be bak'd, and the
remainder must be return'd I spose Mr Lux ought to take it;
If so Mr Spear says hee will asist Mr Lux in dividing it, and
such as can be bak'd he will doe. The bake howses are going
on and I sopose there might bee a parcel of bread, and part
of Capt Woolseys Flour sent to the Brig that lately arrv'd with
your Powder, if it is practicable and must be done, the sooner
the better. I recd yours this day and shall speak to Mr Jacobs
about it, this evening to make the Tents. I think the lining
must come here as the Sail maker would choose to work at
home with their hands, from yours

Jesse Hollingsworth.

C. S. J. Friday 12 July 1776.

Council met. Present the same members as on yesterday
except Mr Rumsey.

Joseph Nicholson junr Esqr a member of the Council,
attended, and was qualified before Mr Jenifer by taking the
Oath prescribed by the Convention.

Ordered That the Treasurer of the Western Shore pay to
Col. Thomas Ewing sixty pounds on Account of Capt Daniel
Bowie's Company; forty pounds on Account of Capt. Na-


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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, July 7:December 31, 1776
Volume 12, Page 28   View pdf image (33K)
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